I've been googling and trying things out for the last 4.5hrs and just haven't gotten anywhere at all.
A lot of it seems to stem from being within a Listfragment.
I am simply trying to capture the back buttons press so I can code in some logic.
As a point of reference I have been playing around with this:
To see if I can do it, with no luck.
Not only have I tried multiple ways on getting the back button press I have also tried:
- Creating an actual button widget, only to find capturing the click even in the ListFragment impossible
- Looked at this (4th comment down) http://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/4999/file-picker-navigate-up-and-down-through-file-system but his suggestion doesn't work.
The bottom line is I am trying to use the back button to navigate back through the folders, I have created a function that can do this, no problem, its just handling it with either:
-Back button event -Widget button event -Something else?
Any help would be appreciated.