I just installed Xamarin 2.0 on my Windows 8 ThinkPad and my OS X Lion Mac Mini. I created a project with the Visual Studio iPhone HelloWorld template, targeting iOS 6.1.
I'm able to connect to the Mini as a build server from Visual Studio 2012, but when I try to debug on the simulator, it crashes with and pops up a dialog with a vague error:
Server returned an error. The operation has timed out
The simulated application quit.
Click Relaunch to try again.
The following non-specific error appears in the Visual Studio console:
Mono.IOS.VisualStudio.Utilities.ErrorReportManager Error: 0 : Failed to run application.
Mono.IOS.VisualStudio.Utilities.ErrorReportManager Error: 0 : The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (Build Server)
Operation status: Operation failed
HTTP status: 0 (Reserved code)
Exception: System.Net.WebException (The request was aborted: The operation has timed out.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at MonoTouch.Tools.Utilities.ServerIO.Server_GetResult[T](ServerIOState state, String command, IDictionary`2 queryVariables)
Server returned an error. The request was aborted: The operation has timed out.
At one point, I also got the following error in the VS console:
Failed to launch simulated application: SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: 7
But that one hasn't popup up since I first noticed it.
I've restarted both computers, and I also tried the cache-clearing steps recommended in this thread, but the issue is still occurring.
I'm able to debug the project from Xamarin Studio directly from the Mac Mini.
Any suggestions for next steps?