This is a strange request. I am familiar with the control of WiFi and bluetooth and mobile GSM in monodroid and I use it widely in current apps. I have an outline of an idea for an app which seems to me to require exclusive use of Wifi by a sole app. It will operate on a Satellite phone internet connection (the satellite modem has a wifi access point) Problem (as I see it) once one connects one's Android device every 2 bit app you have running elsewhere on your Android device will be trying to download the latest news, football scores or adverts and using bandwidth at $10 a Mb .
I really only want my app (which is designed to download very small compressed bits of info) to frugally use this satellite service and I have been looking at ways in which I can take exclusive control of the wifi connection. But it seems not possible. I suppose one could close down all other apps but that's cumbersome and anyway how does one do that programmatically? I don't know if there is any mileage in WpsInfo (wifi protected) but that seems to need two devices to handshake and I cannot programme the wifi access point in this way. Does anyone have any ideas? JM