Hello, in my application the use should have the possibility to log in by google login, and so i followed this instruction to implement the google login into my application: http://motzcod.es/post/67077106339/google-plus-services-login-and-1-in-xamarin-android. Sadly i always get the message: An internal error occured, when i press the sign in button.
Even when i tried the Project at motzcod itself i recieved the same error. When i press the sign in button, i first get a mask with all available accounts, and when i select one it tells me An internal error occured.
I registred the api in googles API Console.
Does anyone have an ide why this is happening or maybe another tutorial where i can check where i made a mistake?
Thanks for all suggestions.
PS: Im using Actionbarsherlock, and so i use Google Play Services 12.0