I have a mapfragment. When I initially load the mapfragment, everything is fine. The content is displayed appropriately, my markers load, we're at a good zoom level, everything is correct. I have a set of tabs up in my actionbar. The map is in the default loaded tab. When I select one of the other tabs, I load up a listfragment. The listfragment loads, appropiate data is shown. All is good. When I select the tab to go back to my map fragment, I get a map displayed that is centered at 0,0 (or there abouts) and is at a very high altitude. This looks like the default setting to me for the maps, but that is just a guess. I would like to reload the mapfragment with the previous data and location on it. I use the code shown below to manage the tabs, and this has the TabSelected event within it. I would think that the map would be saved off as part of the mapfragment. Unfortunately, the .Map property of my mapfragment is null when this code executes. I think that the map is set as null because the map fragment is not shown. Questions: 1. The .Map property of the mapfragment is null. is there a way to initialize this property? Do I need to wait until the map loads? How do I know when the map actually loads? There does not seem to be any type of event that fires when a map loads. Should I spin up a 2nd thread to see if a map has loaded and then perform the reset of the map (that seems awfully nasty and wasteful to do)? 2. Am I performing my fragment changes properly? Should I being doing something different from .Remove and .Replace? Is this causing my problems in any way?
void AddTab (string tabText, int ResourceId)
var tab = this.ActionBar.NewTab ();
//tab.SetText (tabText);
tab.SetIcon (ResourceId);
// must set event handler before adding tab
tab.TabSelected += delegate(object sender, ActionBar.TabEventArgs e) {
var t = sender as ActionBar.Tab;
var fragTx = e.FragmentTransaction;
var frag = FragmentManager.FindFragmentById(Resource.Id.map);
if ( (frag == _mapFragment) && (_map != null ))
var target = _map.CameraPosition.Target;
app.Lat = target.Latitude;
app.Lng = target.Longitude;
app.Zoom = _map.CameraPosition.Zoom;
case 0:
if ( isInitial )
alf = new AssignmentListFragment();
fragTx.Replace(Resource.Id.map, _mapFragment);
isInitial = false;
case 1:
fragTx.Replace(Resource.Id.map, alf);
this.ActionBar.AddTab (tab);