We are very excited to announce our next Xamarin Paris MeetUp on May 20th at 19h30 in the Microsoft France office. We would like to thanks Microsoft for supporting our Xamarin Paris MeetUp, they have been of a great help!! A personal thanks to Alex, Eva and Guillaume at Microsoft France!
This MeetUp will be focused on the story telling of 2 companies which have embraced Xamarin since the early days even before the name Xamarin existed (Solal Technologies & NomadVantage)!
Please visit this link for all the details: http://www.meetup.com/Paris-XAMARIN-Cross-platform-Mobile-Meetup/events/177447342/
45 participants (and counting) are already registered to attend the event. If you are in Paris on the 20th of May, and you are not a member of the Xamarin Paris MeetUp, you can still attend the event! Just send us an email at info@redfabriq.com or why not register directly, there is no commitment required.
Jacques Lefebvre