Hi guys,
I'm trying to create a custom web browser using UIWebView control. All web requests must go through a custom proxy and I need to set this proxy from within the app. On the Internet you can find lots of ideas but unfortunately I can not find a good enough solution that works.
First I tried with the requests interception in ShouldStartLoad event and making a new request but this is not proven to be a good solution especially for URLs that require authentication. Currently I am trying to achieve the goal with NSUrlSesion (available in iOS 7.0 and later) but without success because the application from some reason doesn't use proxy settings:
NSUrlSession session;
UIWebView wvContent;
private NSUrlSession InitSession ()
using (var configuration = NSUrlSessionConfiguration.DefaultSessionConfiguration) {
NSObject[] values = new NSObject[]
NSObject.FromObject("xx.xx.xx.xx"), //ProxyHost
NSNumber.FromInt32 (xxxx), //Port
NSObject.FromObject("kCFProxyTypeHTTPS") //ProxyType
NSObject[] keys = new NSObject[]
NSDictionary proxyDict = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys (values, keys);
configuration.ConnectionProxyDictionary = proxyDict;
return NSUrlSession.FromConfiguration (configuration);
public override void ViewDidLoad()
if (session == null)
session = InitSession ();
LoadDataInWebView(new NSUrl("some_url"));
private void LoadDataInWebView(NSUrl UrlToLoad)
NSUrlRequest requestObj = new NSUrlRequest(UrlToLoad);
NSUrlSessionDataTask dataTask = session.CreateDataTask(requestObj, new NSUrlSessionResponse(
(NSData data, NSUrlResponse response, NSError error) => {
if (error == null)
InvokeOnMainThread(() => {
wvContent.LoadData(data, response.MimeType, response.TextEncodingName, response.Url);
catch (Exception e)
new UIAlertView("Could not load page!", e.Message, null, "OK", null).Show();
What am I doing wrong? I'm a beginner in iOS programming so maybe I don't understand well how this works.
Maybe someone has a totally different example that works? Thanks.