In the Xamarin Studio (4.2.4) text editor on my Mac, while editing a C# file into which I've pasted a series of numbers one per line, I'd like to select that range of text and then run a "Replace" command which appends a comma to the end of each line. How can I effect this?
I've tried a number of things and can't get the exact behavior I want. I was hoping I could search on "$" and replace with "," (which is how I would do this in some other editors), but that doesn't seem to work. Worse yet, Xamarin Studio seems to unselect my selected text when it reports back "Not found". [I question whether "Search in Selection" actually works. Even when on, searches seem to look at the whole file, not only in the selection.]
I also tried using "\n" instead of "$" as the search text and that does effect a replacement, but the result is all one one line. That is, it removed the newlines. To try and address that, I also changed the replacement text to ",\n", but it replaced using literal "\" and "n" characters and not a newline.
Thanks for your help.