Hi, I know Xamarin has supported the v4 Android Compatibility library for a while, allowing fragments on Android 2.x.
Last month, the Android Compatibility Library changed from version 13 to version 18, adding bugfixes to the v4 support, and also adding v7 appcompat support, which "Added ActionBar to allow implementation of the action bar user interface design pattern back to Android 2.1 (API level 7) and higher. Use of this class requires that you implement your activity by extending the new ActionBarActivity class"
However, for Xamarin Android projects, as well as the .jar v7 appcompat library, we need a .NET v7 compatibility wrapper.
I've asked on the chat channel, and their isn't any current plan to provide this soon. I've had a go at creating a Java binding project for android-support-v7-appcompat.jar, but haven't got very far due to many build errors.
I'd like to use the latest compatibility library from Android in Xamarin - has anybody else attempted this and got a binding project for v7 working?