I have the following problem: If I attach a KeyPress-Eventhandler to my EditText, the delete key from the softkeyboard has no effect anymore. All other keys work properly:
FindViewById<EditText>( Resource.Id.editTextLookupQuery ).KeyPress += this.onEditQueryKeyPress;
protected void onEditQueryKeyPress( object _sender, View.KeyEventArgs _e )
if ( _e.Event.Action == KeyEventActions.Down && _e.KeyCode == Keycode.Enter )
this.executeDelayed( 0.25, delegate { this.executeLookup(); } );
_e.Handled = true;
When ENTER is pressed in the EditView, the code inside the "if" is executed, as expected. But hitting the DEL key has no effect anymore, I cannot delete characters in the EditView. If I don't assign the method to "KeyPress", the DEL key works properly again!
Is it a bug or a feature? ;)
I hope, someone can help. :)