Is there a way to create a code template that allows one to specify a variable such as $property_name$, and then allows one to alter the case of that variable in different locations of the template.
For instance, my habit when creating fully-defined properties is to use the following convention:
private string _firstName;
public string FirstName { get {...}; set {...}}
Please note that the member variable utilizes the property name, but has both an underscore and utilizes camel case.
As far as I can determine, defining a code template to handle this scenario requires the definition of two variables, such as:
private string _$membername$;
public string $propname$ { get {...}; set {...}}
What I really want is the ability to do is:
- Specify one variable ($propname$).
- Use $propname$ as part of the member name, but transform the first letter to lower case.
Does Xamarin Studio allow for this?