I've tried to add the Xamarin Sherlock ActionBar component to my project, but it won't link.
I get over 50 errors such as package android.support.v4.app.Watson does not exist
I'm not sure what's causing this, I've found some things that may be related:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16048938/abs-4-3-0-android-support-v4-app-watson-does-not-exist http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16621476/package-android-support-v4-util-does-not-exist
I have an uneasy feeling that having the latest Revision 18 compatibility library could be causing this? Is it possible to downgrade it?
Also, some posts talk about "Try going to Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Order & Export and ensure Android Private Libraries are checked for your project and for all other library projects you are using. Clean all projects afterwards and see what happens."
Of course we're using Xamarin and not Eclipse, but there seems to be a checkbox in Xamarin Project Option | Android Build called 'Embed assemblies in native code' which may be related -
BUT - I can't check this as I have Business Edition - and checking this option required Enterprise Edition, so I can't see if that fixed it ...
It appears that getting ANY kind of ActionBar working on Android 2.2 WILL actually kill me ..
Support ? HELP!