My app just got rejected from the app store review process. I have had probably 20+ versions of this same app fly through with no problem over the past year. They said that the app crashes when they launch the app. I haven't changed anything in the startup code since version 1. I'm trying to get more info from them to help me reproduce, as I ran a beta for this version through the adhoc and it ran on devices just fine. I'm not doing any real work in the AppDelegate, other than a quick check to see if I have network connevtivity, setting up Crash reporting for HockeyApp, and then constructing my login screen.
So, with all that background:
- I am always using the latest stable MonoTouch. I released my last version on 7/23, and I updated MT since then when the updates have hit the channel.
- This is the link they gave to help reproduce using XCode Archive. Any thoughts on how I can do this for a MonoTouch app?
Has anyone else experienced a new rejection with the latest version of MT?