Does anyone have an example of using the YouTube service insert method:
// Google.GData.YouTube.YouTubeService yt = new Google.GData.YouTube.YouTubeService("Kentico Video");
// ((GDataRequestFactory)yt.RequestFactory).Timeout = 9999999;
// ((GDataRequestFactory)yt.RequestFactory).KeepAlive = false;
// Google.YouTube.Video v = new Google.YouTube.Video();
// // We set a majority of the metadata with the VideoSnippet object.
// Google.Apis.Youtube.v3.Data.VideoSnippet snippet = new Google.Apis.Youtube.v3.Data.VideoSnippet ();
// v.Title = name;
// v.Description = etStatusUpdate.Text;
// object o = new int();
// yt.InsertAsync("http://uploads.gdata.youtube.com/resumable/feeds/api/users/default/uploads", v.YouTubeEntry, o);
I have this code, however, how do I add my authentication ticket?
GoogleAuthenticator auth2 = new GoogleAuthenticator (ClientID, new Uri (RedirectUrl), "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.upload");