I cant seem to find an answer to this in the documentation. I am trying to create a Dvc with reflection and would like to return a combination of two nested fields as a summary(might be using the wrong term here) to the top level dialog view controller. Here is the code I am working with, I have tried a lot of things and did not seem to get anywhere so this is the bare bones. I would like to return first name + " " + last name as the summary for the top level view controller.
var menu = new MainTable()
user = new MainTable.UserInfo()
var bctx = new BindingContext(null, menu, "Test Table");
var dvc = new DialogViewController(bctx.Root);
public class MainTable
[Section("Submit As")]
public UserInfo user;
public class UserInfo
[Section("Your Info")]
[Entry("First Name")]
public string FirstName;
[Entry("Last Name")]
public string LastName;