Hi all,
I'm programmatically creating a DialogViewController that has a TimeElement. The dialog loads fine, but when I click on the TimeElement, it loads a black screen. I'm currently trying it both using the Reflection API and elements API. This also happens when using the DateTimeElement. Any thoughts? Code below:
public RoutineDialog (Routine routine)
Name = routine.Name;
TimeOfDay = DateTime.Now;
[Section("Routine Entry")]
[Entry("routine name")]
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime TimeOfDay { get; set; }
[Section ("Buttons")]
[OnTap ("SaveRoutine")]
[Alignment (UITextAlignment.Center)]
public string Save;
[Section ("")]
[OnTap ("DeleteRoutine")]
[Alignment (UITextAlignment.Center)]
public string Delete;
public void loadRoutineDetail(Routine routine) {
currentRoutine = routine;
routineDialog = new RoutineDialog (routine);
context = new BindingContext (this, routineDialog, "Routine Details");
detailsScreen = new DialogViewController (context.Root, true);
var testElement = new RootElement ("Test"){
new Section () {
new DateElement("Testing", DateTime.Now)
context.Root.Add( testElement );
Thanks for taking a look.
Best regards, Ben