Hello guys, I have implemented azure search for searching workspaces from database which I have imported in azure. The issue is when I give a request call for searching the results, it has some time delay into it. My requirement is that I need a flawless azure search without hanging user for every work he types in the Entry field.
private async void SearchEntryTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
var entry = sender as CustomEntry;
string searchedString = entry.Text;
if (searchedString.Length > 2)
_workspaceSearchService = new AzureWorkspaceSearchApi();
List workspaceSearchData = new List();
//workspaceSearchData = await _workspaceSearchService.SearchWorkspaceFromAzure(searchedString);
workspaceSearchData = await _workspaceSearchService.ExecSuggest(searchedString);viewModel.SearchWorkspaceRecord = workspaceSearchData; }
For every character that enter after 2 length I am calling azure search. This request needs some time to get completed and hangs the user until it gets search result. I need these request to be done using typeahead phenomenon. Can anyone suggest me a solution to achieve this?
Below is the azure request:-
public async Task<List> ExecSuggest(string q)
// Execute /suggest API call to Azure Search and parse results
//string url = _serviceUri + AzureSuggestUrl + q;
string url = "https://meelosearchbasic.search.windows.net/indexes/indworkspacesearch/docs/suggest?api-version=2016-09- > >01&suggesterName=sgworkspacesearch&$top=5&$filter=TenantId eq '" + App.userTenantId + "'&search=" + q;
_httpClient = new HttpClient();
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
List Suggestions = new List();HttpResponseMessage response = AzureSearchHelper.SendSearchRequest(_httpClient, HttpMethod.Get, uri); AzureSearchHelper.EnsureSuccessfulSearchResponse(response); var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SearchResult>(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); Suggestions = obj.value; return Suggestions.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x.SearchText).ToList(); } catch(Exception e) { return null; } }