i've compiled correctly my libraries with NDK, so i have my .so files ready to bring into my xamarin project.
Let's say i have libMyCoreLib.so, in which i have a simple myTest() extern c function. I can totally use it in xamarin, works like a charm.
Now, i have libMyOtherLib.so which depends on libMyCoreLib.so .
In xamarin, i have set them both as native, both as always copy.
adb shell ls -l /data/data/mypackage/lib
lists correctly both the .so files are deployed (i'm using a device for testing)
Anytime i try to use functions exposed as extern c in myOtherLib, i get a dllnotfound execption.
I even tried implementing a stupid int wtf(int a, int b){return a+b;} function, still, i get dllnotfound exception
I only have armeabi-v7a in my project.
All libraries are compiled with NDK ARM 4.4.3 toolchain with target arch set as armv7-a of course.
Am i missing something here? thanks!