I am wondering if this is a consequency of my updating to the latest Xamarin.iOS this morning... it wasn't doing this yesterday.
On the other hand I have made some other changes as well this morning.
I have a project with about 6 components. It wasn't getting very far when I went to run it, but yesterday it was at least building and deploying and running.
Now, instead, I am getting:
4 x MT3006 Could not compute a complete dependency map for the project
4 x MT3005 The dependency 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' of the assembly (TimSort + protobuf + 2 of our own) was not found
4 x MT3001 Could not AOT the assembly (TimSort, MonoGame.Framework, 2 of our own)
I am building all these assemblies myself in Xamarin iOS projects except the TimSort.
But in any case, why has it suddenly started complaining about whatever it is now?