I have custom script in my teamcity to push my application's ipa file to testflight. If I hardcoded it to version 1.0 then the ipa file will become myporject-1.0.app. However, with this pattern, I have to change my custom script in my teamcity everytime when I upgrage from one version to another, which is not flexible at all.
However, if I leave the iOS application version to blank. Then, it sounds everything has been resolved. But, with this, I can't keep track my product version in TestFlight. Because, what has been displayed in testflight is alwasy version 1.0#1,...next build will become 1.0#2, 1.0#3,..etc.
So, I am looking for a parameter that i can used in teamcity. More precise, I am looking for a parameter of ioS application version in teamcity. How? Possible?