Hi, I decided to implement both Crashlytics and Crittercism to evaluate which product is the most appropriate. I have generated bindings successfully before so I dont think its related to the binding. I found that when running both(together or even on their own) then they crash as soon as I make a network request(well i believe it is that but the debugger just drops out so I cannot pin point exactly). The error I get in the output from crashlytics is: [Mach] exception: 0x%x, count: %d, code: 0x%llx 0x%llx [Mach] Skipping registered port - it is invalid Crittercism gives me nothing at all but when restarting the app it complains in the app output that it cannot parse the last error. I'm just wondering if anybody else has had similar issues and if so how did they resolve it. Im running on studio: Version 4.0.11 (build 6) And Xamarin.ios Version: (Business Edition).
Thanks Andrew.