Following the self guided course in XAM 120 and am failing at the ifrst hurdle.
I have latest versions of Visual Studio 2017 and am using Android_Accelerated_x86_Nougat emulator. To keep things simple I've decided to only target android in the cross platform wizard when building the project.
First issue was the project defaults to targeting Android 8.0 Oreo.... I don't have an emulator for that and it's quite confusing where I would find it?
It took 20 minutes building before receiving the following error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space : failed reallocation of scalar replaced objects MyFristApp.Android
It's been nearly a day trying to get past step 1 of the first xamarin forms course. Not feeling very optimistic at the moment.
Where is the best place to get help with these types of problems. Could these be resolved in the live training sessions in preference to the self learning?
Thanks in advance