If for some reason you can not connect to your device over WiFi you can attempt to manually configure your device via the configuration file..
Simply head to your application data folder:
- Windows: %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming
- macOS: ~/Users/$USER/.config
In this folder you will find PlayerDeviceList.xml if it does not exist you will need to create one.
Step 1: Get IP Address
Inside of the Xamarin Live Player go to About -> Connection Test -> Start Connection Test
You will need the IP address listed when you configure your device.
Step 2: Get Pairing Code
Inside of the Xamarin Live Player tap "Pair" or "Pair Again", then press "Enter Manually", you will need this Code in the configuration file.
Step 3: Generate Guid
Go to: https://www.guidgenerator.com/online-guid-generator.aspx and generate a new guid and make sure Upper Case is on.
Step 4: Configure Device
Open up the PlayerDeviceList.xml up in an editor such as VS or VS Code. Inside you will need to configure your device manually, the base of the file should be the following:
<DeviceList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
Add iOS Device:
<Name>iPhone Player</Name>
<HostEndPoint />
<SimulatorIdentifier />
Add Android Device:
<Name>Android Player</Name>
<HostEndPoint />
<SimulatorIdentifier />
Close and re-open Visual Studio. Now your device will show up in the list.