I am using VS 2017. I've written two Xamarin.Forms apps:
The first is a simple app named "LaunchedApp" that displays the text message "I am a launched app" and the second named "LauncherApp" with a button that says "Click me to launch LaunchedApp".
I need to deploy both these apps on a single Android emulator device screen as two different icons. Clicking the "LauncherApp" will execute the button click event code to find the other app using its package id. I know how to do this.
What I can't seem to find is how to deploy the two apps to the same Android emulator device.
I've gone a lot of google searches and haven't found any hits that speak to my scenario.
I would greatly appreciate any help if anyone knows how to do this.
Many thanks.
How can I deploy two Xamarin.Forms apps to a single Android emualtor?