Hello guys,
i am trying to detect collision of two CCSprite
's, a ball (PlayFigureSprite
) and something that boosts that ball in a specific direction (BoostSprite
[Insert picture here showing two BoostSprite
's and one PlayFigureSprite
with their collision boundingboxes.
One BoostSprite
(right one) is rotated to the bottom right and it's boundingbox is bigger than itself.
Left BoostSprite
has a boundingbox that perfectly fits it size because it's not rotated.
Backgroundcolor of picture is blue.]
Sadly i cant add a picture because of this message: "You have to be around for a little while longer before you can post links."
For debugging reasons i used CCDrawNode
to show the BoundingBoxTransformedToParent
of the PlayFigureSprite
and BoostSprite
's objects.
To detect the collision i use following code:
Everything works fine. The only problem is the collision detection when the BoostSprite
is rotated.
Rotated BoostSprite
's have a bigger BoundingBoxTransformedToParent
than their actual size because the BoundingBoxTransformedToParent
is not rotated when the sprite was rotated.
In the picture above the ball would be accelerated to the bottom right if it hits the blue area next to the BoostSprite
(right one) which is unwanted behaviour. The ball should only be affected by the boost if it really hits the drawn BoostSprite
. For the left BoostSprite
it works perfect.
I couldn't find a way to rotate that boundingbox or create a boundingpolygon around CCSprite
's for better approximation (could also be useful for round objects like the ball).
My Question:
How can I create an almost exact collision detection between two CCSprite
's (return only true
if the considered CCSprite
's REALLY overlap/collide) ?