This is for alpha users on Mac (from what I've seen here, it looks fine on PC) developing for iOS and Android [1 only]
The latest version seems to have a number of issues, the 3 most serious are these
- Code changes aren't persisting. Create a view controller, edit, save, close and reopen and the code has gone
- Sync with Xcode is broken. Create a view with some controls on, connect them up, save and let it sync. Once done, go back into Xcode, add or remove a control, save and wait for the sync. Once it's happened you'll notice that nothing is reflected in the code.
- Events are being ignored (could be related to 1). Create a UIButton and UILabel with some text. Add a touchupinside to the button so when it's clicked the label text changes. Run and watch nothing happen when the button is clicked. Makes no difference if it's on the simulator or a device.
My advice is to stick to the old version for now. I'm sure someone from Xamarin will comment on this and hopefully say "D'oh, have a new release over the weekend with these fixed".
Anyone know on the mac where the old downloads are stored so I can get the last alpha installed again?