left label code
<Label x:Name="presentBtn" Text="선물함" FontSize="16" HorizontalOptions="Start" HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" Grid.Column="0" BackgroundColor="#A8D2F1">
presentBtn.HeightRequest = 45.0 * (double)App.ScreenWidth / 720.0;
presentBtn.WidthRequest = 150.0* (double)App.ScreenWidth / 720.0;
right button code
<Button x:Name="ticketBtn" Text="티켓충전" HorizontalOptions="End" FontSize="16" Clicked="changeTicketCharge" Grid.Column="1" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" BorderRadius="0"/>
ticketBtn.HeightRequest = 45* (double)App.ScreenWidth / 720.0;
ticketBtn.WidthRequest = 150* (double)App.ScreenWidth / 720.0;
I make button in xamarin.form and set HeightRequest, WidthRequest.
but button size is not same to setting size.
upper image's two button is same size.
left is label with backgroundcolor, right is button.
but not same size.
and I want not rounded button. just square. but make button rounded auto.
I set BorderRadius=0, but not working.
like upper image.
plz help me