I'm trying to build a version of my application and I've been having issues for 2 weeks now.
I've broken it down to this error :
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets(747,3): warning MSB6002: The command-line for the "MTouch" task is too long.Command-lines longer than 32000 characters are likely to fail. Try reducing the length of the command-line by breaking down the call to "MTouch" into multiple calls with fewer parameters per call.
MTOUCH : error MT2001: Could not link assemblies.
The MTOUCH command is over 40000 characters long, a bunch of them points to package dll I have linked in various projects, 150 or so dll for Xamarin.iOS.
I tried moving my solution to a shorter path (instead of /Users/USERNAME/developments/PROJECTNAME/, I created /devios/PROJECTNAME/) which brought me down to about 35000 or so.
Is there a way to split this build step into multiple commands or I have reached the maximum of DLL i can use in my solution ?
Here is a part of the command that is being shown in the build log :
/Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/Current/bin/mtouch <br />
--cache /devios/SOLUTIONNAME/src/PROJECTNAME.iOS/obj/iPhone/Ad-Hoc/mtouch-cache <br />
--dev /devios/SOLUTIONNAME/src/PROJECTNAME.iOS/bin/iPhone/Ad-Hoc/PROJECTNAME.app <br />
--executable PROJECTNAMEiOS<br />
--sgen-conc <br />
--linksdkonly <br />
--sdkroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer <br />
--sdk 10.2 --targetver 9.2 --http-message-handler=NSUrlSessionHandler <br />
--abi=armv7+llvm,armv7s+llvm,arm64+llvm <br />
--symbollist /devios/SOLUTIONNAME/src/PROJECTNAME.iOS/obj/iPhone/Ad-Hoc/mtouch-symbols.list <br />
--dsym=no <br />
--target-framework Xamarin.iOS,v1.0 /devios/SOLUTIONNAME/src/PROJECTNAME.iOS/bin/iPhone/Ad-Hoc/PROJECTNAMEiOS.exe -v -v