I am developing an app using Xamarin.Forms to re-use as much code as possible.
Specifically, I have a static class that manages all the POST/GET requests to my Azure Web Server.
Everything single call works fantastically except for one call - this one:
public async static Task<Models.UserParkPosition> GetUserParkPositionForCurrentUserAsync()
var body = new JArray
var test = await AzureMobileServiceClient.Instance.MobileService.InvokeApiAsync<JArray, Models.UserParkPosition>(ConnectionsAPI, body, HttpMethod.Get, null);
return test;
The method above is called when the user presses a button - specifically like this:
private async Task OnGoingToTheParkClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool success = false;
var already = await viewModel.AlreadyHavePendingRequestAsync());
throw new Exception();
When the debugger hits the "var test" line mentioned, above.... nothing happens. The code doesn't deadlock, the UI is still responsive, but the code never returns. I never see the "TEST" word and the exception is not even thrown... what happens??
All my other APIs are called in the same way, and are working correctly.
- Same code works on UWP and Android
- The GET request arrives at the webservice, which responds in a timely fashion (< 1 sec)
Thanks to anyone who might help or even point me in the right direction!