I have an element creation form which has field Users
. Near this field I have button Choose
to get names of users.
<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">
<Entry Text="{Binding Users,Mode=TwoWay}"
<Button Text="Choose"
Command="{Binding ChooseUserCommand}"
When I press on button Choose
it will open new form with all users and item of switch near each of them.
<StackLayout VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand">
<Label Text="{Binding User_Name}" />
<Switch x:Name="SwitchPaste" IsToggled="False" Grid.Column="1" />
I need to paste User_Name
in field of Users
when i press on switch (isToggled "True") and names should be separated by commas like ( Tomas; Alex; Bob and etc...) How I can do it?
I added image as example.