I am running a fully updated version of VS 2017 Enterprise, on Windows 10, and building an app that's been around for a while. The Mac is remote and the build runs just fine. When I debug/run the app with remote simulator turned off, the iOS simulator on the Mac starts and works correctly. If I check "Remote Simulator to Windows" and launch the debugger, the simulator windows opens on my PC but never becomes responsive. The following log looks normal but it's hanging:
Checking host configuration for connecting to 'xxxxxxx'...
Checking host configuration for connecting to 'xxxxxxx'...
Host 'ObjExMac' is configured correctly
Starting connection to 'xxxxxxx'...
Starting connection to xxxxxxx...
Starting Broker in port 57224...
Starting connection to 'xxxxxxx'...
SSH connection to 'xxxxxxx' has been established...
Starting registered Agents: Build, IDB
Starting Xamarin agent: Build
Starting Xamarin agent: IDB
Starting Agent Build
Starting Agent IDB
Agent Build is running
Xamarin agent: Build started
Agent IDB is running
Xamarin agent: IDB started
Starting registered Agents: ...
The Agents have been started successfully
Performing server validations against 'xxxxxxx'...
Validating Xamarin iOS compatibility between local and remote versions...
Validating Mac operating system version compatibility...
Validating Xcode license state...
Performing server validations against 'xxxxxxx'...
Connection to 'xxxxxxx' completed successfully
Starting Simulator to launch App...
The Simulator has been started to launch App...__
Then the process stops. The simulator window is totally unresponsive on my PC and no simulator window appears on the Mac. Visual Studio is responsive (I can stop the debugger) but the app never loads and runs.
Any thoughts?