Someone give me some clue here as how to preview a Xamarin forms file ...
I have a very simple Xamarin project someone has asked me to simply change some colors, a trivial task.
Open the project in Xamarin Studio (on Windows 10, latest release, no Mac connected) ... tried a "live view" ... tried pairing a couple of android devices, the first one was unable to even connect to VS, the second one was able to connect, but not able to live view any of the forms due to an "internal error"
OK, so fire up a Android debug virtual device on the machine and lets try that ... err .. well, after a bit of messing and running the special Xamarin Android SDK manager, I got the device to run, but I cannot run the app as it has various unhandled exceptions prevent it running, notably a class that apparently does not have a public constructor .. (it does) .. the real app works fine of course on a real handset, and compiles cleanly with no errors.
OK, so there is View->Other Windows->Xamarin.Forms.Previewer ... err, not that falls over and displays nothing, apart from an occasional warning at the top in yellow.
Hey, I know, open the file with XAML Designer ... err, "this file cannot be opened with the selected editor"
So far, this is more than a little frustrating .. any ideas as to where to start and what is most likely to work? Any single solution to allow me to preview the pages would be fine ... I should add that the version of VS is the current CE release, running on Win10 on a box bought specifically for the purpose, so it is a fresh. clean, out of the box install.