I'm trying to access the GoogleMap object from a fragment (using Mono.Android.Support.v4), but because it can take some time for the API communication with Google Play to complete I thought I would use Async/Await to do the waiting (this is Xamarin.Android 4.8).
After creating the map fragment and after I have added the fragment to my activity I do the following
var map = await Task.Run(() => { while (fragment.map==null) Task.Delay(100); return fragment.map; })
And after that I should be able to safely access the map object.
But this is giving me all sorts of problems instead. One of the errors I get is
<!>com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesUtil -1<!> The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included.
Is there a problem with my approach or is it something else?
Regards, Erik