[Xamarin Blog] Android Support Library v7: Hello ActionBarCompat
Just posted: Android Support Library v7: Hello ActionBarCompat on the Xamarin Blog. Read the full article to learn how to use the ActionBarCompat to provide Action Bar backwards compatibility support...
View Articlehow to use win-1251 encoding?
Webclient client = new Webclient (); client.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1251");//application crashes because of this line .......
View ArticleQuestions about sample codes working on different API level
Guide with Sample codes:docs.xamarin.com/guides/android/user_interface/tab_layout/tabbed_host_walkthrough/ Environment: win7x86, vs2010, xamarin trial ver Those icons on tabs can be shown on AVD...
View ArticleEmbedded provisioning profile not valid
I'm having some real problems running a Mono Mac app that has been working just fine until a recent update to Xamarin Studio and XCode. I've generated a Production Provisioning profile on the Apple...
View ArticleMono 4 rusbery pi
Hello I am very green in Mono and raspberry pi i have simple question is xamarin excitation to visual stdio is Mono? or some thing else and second question what project should i choose for raspberry...
View ArticleHow to change an attribute of an item in a ListView.
I have a simple ListView of text items. It is built as follows: ` view = FindViewById(Resource.Id.list); view.Adapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, items);...
View ArticleHow To Make An App To Be The Main Launcher?
Hi: I'm working on a launcher app, where the user will just be able to use my app, i already managed to hide the system bar and set the application to fullscreen, but i'm not able to set the...
View ArticleMy Sliding Menu is not working properly... I would like some assitance.
Hello, I'm currently trying to code a Sliding Menu for my application. I'm following this source code that I found. Now It works perfectly with the layouts that are defined inside the source code but I...
View ArticleAnyone else having lots of crashes on Xamarin.Studio?
lots of crashes on Mac OSX. Specially using while XCode is opened. At least one per day. Anyone else?
View ArticleCan't build hello world asp.net application on Xamarin studio
i'm running windows 8. net framework 4 and 3.5 enabled. i just downloaded xamarin studio, create new asp.net application. when i press debug button, nothing happen. i try Run/Start without...
View ArticleXamarin does not Install in VS2010
I've tried installing it in VS2012 and now VS2010, no problem during installation... But when I open VS, just do not think any vestige of Xamarin. Does anyone know the cause of the problem and/or...
View ArticleNUnit [Explicit] not honored?
I have some tests that require certain network services to be. Naturally, I don't want those tests to be run when I run the whole suite. When I run tests from Xamarin Studio, those tests get run. Is...
View ArticleUITabBar.SelectedImageTintColor not working for me in iOS7
Up until iOS 7, I was doing the following to set the color of a tab bar item when selected: _tabBar.SelectedImageTintColor = UIColor.Yellow; This is no longer working for me. I just get a default blue...
View ArticleBUG: DidReceiveRemoteNotification not invoked
Hi, The method: public override void DidReceiveRemoteNotification (UIApplication application, NSDictionary userInfo, Action completionHandler) is not invoked when the app is in "Suspended" state (the...
View ArticleGoogle Play Store Apk Upload Error
Hi, I want to add Google Play Store app I get this error. What could be the reason for this? Which path I need to follow? Use a certificate that will expire soon signed APK have installed. Apk use,...
View ArticleLegacyBar in Xamarin Android
I am referring legacyBar example from https://github.com/Cheesebaron/LegacyBar in my xamarin android app. I have inserted reference of library project from this link into my app. But I dont know how to...
View ArticleHow do I prevent my project from being rebuilt/packaged/deployed when there...
Using VS 2013, latest Xamarin beta (doesn't seem to matter though). If I make modifications, then hit F5, my project will build and then deploy to the device. Great. BUT, if I hit the Restart Debugging...
View ArticleAuthentication via Native Facebook App
I have searched for hours on a way to use the Facebook SDK to use a native facebook app for login and I can't find a way. It seems from the Facebook C# library documentation this is possible...
View ArticleWhy won't my iOS app deploy to the Simulator as a 4inch app?
I'm using Stuart Lodge's FluentLayout for all of my Views. I've added all of the necessary App Icons including the ones for Retina. The problem I'm experiencing is that when I Deploy/Debug to the...
View ArticleUsing .NET 4.0 System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate.GetDistanceTo()
I have a local database of locations with coordinates, and am looking for a way to get a list of the locations within a specific radius. During my research, I found that .NET 4 Framework includes a...
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