Failed to change active application on server
Hi, I'm Jonatan and a student whom recently started to use Xamarin for IOS. So the error I'm getting when I try to run the IOS simulator is: "Failed to change active application on server". Server...
View ArticleUnable to fetch provisioning profiles
I have: VS 2013 Pro, Xamarin Business Output form server: Server command 'GetProvisions': failed to retrieve provisions Command execution task ended with exception Exception System.Net.WebException:...
View and iOS should be FREE
So here I am, new to Xamarin, trying to check things out, run a simple cross plat hello-world starter project with WP8, WinRT, Android and iOS in the solution. BAM, no can do. Must buy Business edition...
View ArticleCan no longer install original version of MonoDevelop
I originally purchased MonoDevelop / MonoTouch in Aug, 2012. Subscription expired in Aug, 2013 and we chose not to upgrade. We were running MonoDevelop, MonoTouch 5.4.0 We're trying to...
View ArticleMDTool create archive
Hi, Is there a console command that will create ready to publish Archive ? I need same functionality as in Xamarin Studio menu (Archive) To create IPA i use the following command /Applications/Xamarin\...
View ArticleSimple Example of using an ActionBar
I have been searching the web trying to find a simple implementation of an ActionBar. I have an activity that I need to show a menu on and I've overridden: public override bool...
View ArticleCatch clauses being ignored on Release builds
I have been receiving crash logs in my Apps due to exceptions that were supposedly being caught but are crashing the application and I am able to consistently reproduce the issue on my devices. The...
View ArticleWhere do I store global variables (like connection strings to services)
In visual studio you can put these in app.config or web.config depending on the project but where do you put them for a Xamarin.iOS project?
View Articlec# vnc client class/component to use with Xamarin
I'm wondering if It is possible to create a client vmc consolle with Xamrin iOS/Android. Someone has already did and just in case there are already developed c# classes to do main staffs with vnc over...
View ArticleLink error missing libstdc++.6.0.9.dylib
Link errors: Error MT5309: Native linking error: warning: directory not found for option...
View ArticleBinding - Changed Class to Interface
Hello everyone. First of all, i'm not a very experienced programmer, so i'll probably talk some nonsense here. I'm binding a jar to use in my project. To use jar in java, the programmer wrote this:...
View ArticleBlank error in Error tab
Hi, After the latest update for Xamarin.Android in my Visual Studio 2012 (on Windows 8.1) there is a blank error in Error tab. Column 0, line 0. No file information or project information. I can deploy...
View ArticleXamarin Studio (OSX) Hangs on Opening a CS file
I updated to the new alpha build this morning (4.3.4) and XS started to hang up with almost each .cs file I would open. I went back to the latest stable version and still encountered the same thing....
View ArticlePublishing - App Not Installed
Hello, I'm using Xamarin Studio on Mac OSX 10.8.4. Following the instructions in the publishing article, I set my application to build as release, published the app with my personal keystore, and tried...
View ArticleNSProgressIndicator Is anyone else have problems ?
I am trying to use the control NSProgressIndicator but I keep finding it crashing on me at random times. As Keeping it simple as I add a NSProgressIndicator to SubView aProgress = new...
View ArticleHow to convert Java's Runnable in C#
I guess I am too dumb figuring out how to do this. So, I hope someone is smart enough to help me. Here is the activity in Java: ` public class FunkyActivity extends Activity { @Override public void...
View ArticleBinding Library - setting a const value for an API Key
I'm binding a native iOS framework that requires an API Key to be set as a const. In their sample ObjC app, it looks like this const unsigned char ApplicationKey[] = {0x81, 0x67, ... }; When I build, I...
View ArticleDuplicate Reference Makes Project Build Error?
Hi, my project reference Mono.Android.Support.v4 and works fine. When I addon the component ZXing.Net.Mobile to project, I can't build and got error message: Error 9 Exception while loading assemblies:...
View ArticleAlliancePicker for iOS
I like the look and feel of the Alliance Picker in the component store: but can't seem to figure out how to customize the colors. Specifically, I'd...
View ArticleUpdate problem with F# Support Xamarin.IOS Development 4.0.4
Hi everyone, I try to update F# support Xamarin.IOS Development 4.0.4 . Xamarin Studio downloaded but when i want to restart and update i ve got error. I uninstall Xamarin and install again than i...
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