How can i start with xamarin
Hello this is my first post in xamarin forums Iam a Hybrid Mobile Apps (phonegap) & Web Developer (PHP) please can you tell me ho start with xamarin with Cross Platform , i choose xamarin Cross...
View ArticleError Inflating Class Fragment when changing fragments with Shinobicharts in...
I have read different articles about this kind of error in SO. Most of them relate to Google Map and one is about Shinobicharts, but it didn't fix the error in my app. I am using Xamarin.Android and...
View Articlemono emulator not showing my Android app
Can you somebody help to display Android which designed using xamarin tool to display in emulator when run
View ArticleServing .cshtml files from XSP on Mavericks
Hi everyone, I am trying to get xsp to serve up .cshtml pages, (as opposed to full blown mvc with Razor) As far as I can tell, having a working solution with razor added via nuget...
View ArticleWould it be possible to build a simple iPhone app that incorporates a...
Hi. As I stated in the title of the post, I would like to build a reasonably small iPhone application that uses a SQLite database. I cannot afford any of the paid licenses and I am wondering if this...
View ArticleBackground update location
I have got an app that should keep sending location notifiations to my server. When the app is dismissed to background it works fine and keeps sending location informations for the next 10-15 minutes...
View Articlewarning: Dropbox Component DB.ChildPath doesn't work
when a file is /foldername -- filename it should return and I ask for path.ChildPath(filename) it's supposed to give me /foldername/filename but instead gives me /filename/filename. posting this on the...
View ArticleApp.config
Hi guys, Is there an equivalent of an App.config structure for settings within Xamarin? There are a number of settings we need to set up that can be swapped out between test and production builds. I...
View ArticleSetting AlarmManager to repeat given a specific time
I'm not able to get the AlarmManager to work correctly with a Calendar or GregorianCalendar object. Global.StartingTime is a static DateTime object in another class. It's hour property returns the time...
View ArticleDraw a graph
Hi guys, I have created an app in which I can monitor the temperature. I would like to draw a graph so I can better monitor the temperature changes. I found a free library called GraphView (see...
View ArticleClass missing when creating Java Binding Library
I tried to bind to a java library (please find attached) but I am getting the following warnings: 1>JARTOXML : warning J2XA006: missing class error was raised while reflecting...
View ArticleXamarin.InAppPurchase: storing products issue and restore products
Hello, I've started using Xamairn.InApPurchase and noticed couple issues. a. RestorePreviousPurchases has InAppPurchasesRestored but it looks like you can't catch cancel event properly. On device...
View ArticleProblem with Android layout editor
Hi, I'm using Xamarin 4.2.3 (build 60) and when I try to open a layout file (layout folder) for editing I'm getting the message: "Disconnected from the layout renderer. Please close and open the file...
View ArticleSpace in Output name
The name of my app is Puzzle Maker, so I want the final app to be called Puzzle I set 'Puzzle Maker' to be the Assembly name in Xamarin Studio, but when I try to merge the mono environment,...
View ArticleIOS7 Location Service not working in Background anymore
Good day, Since I've updated my phone to IOS7 my app does not update location data anymore when running in the background. Everything is correctly set in the plist and it worked 100% on IOS6. Location...
View ArticleAndroidGameView.Pause without losing GL context
Currently it always loses GL context when paused, but it's not necessary to do so in all cases. Some gpus will support multiple EGL contexts. I'm part of the MonoGame team and have implemented...
View ArticleObject reference not set to an instance of an object
Hi I am new to xamarin am getting this exception when I run the app on iPad. Any suggestions on what exactly the problem is?
View ArticleOpenTK or Native OpenGL??
Hi, Indeed i want to know witch one of those libraries is better to developing games and 3DApps, OpenTK or Native OpenGL??
View ArticleAlliance Calendar problem visual estudio
Hello I hope someone could help when i include allianse calendar component to my visual studio project when i build it i got this eror Error 1 'calendario.Resource.Layout' does not contain a definition...
View ArticleExperimental Dynamic Support in 7.2
I noticed in the release notes that there's experimental support for C# dynamic. I've been working on an AOP project to allow for some authentication decorators using Mono.Cecil and Microsoft Build...
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