July 20: Bangalore .net User Group(b.net): Building iOS & Android Apps in C#...
First ever Xamarin session at Bangalore, India! Building iOS & Android Apps in C# & .net Building native iOS & android app using C# has been the dream of every .net developer. Come see the...
View ArticleUnable to populate ListView using custom adapter!
I am trying to inflate a listview using custom adapter.Dta is coming from web service.When i am running the code using dummy data,the listview is populating.But i am unable to do it using web...
View ArticleFlyout-in menu/sliding menu
Hello I've been looking into how to make such menu is the topic describes and found this http://blog.neteril.org/blog/2013/04/19/fly-out-menu-xamarin-android/ Now as you can see on the pictures the...
View ArticleResx Editor Addin for Xamarin Studio and Monodevelop
For those interested, I've been working on a plugin for Xamarin as a pet project for around a year and have put it on GitHub. Anyone who wants to give it a try or contribute is welcome to do so....
View ArticleSpecifying per-file command-line compiler option
I am creating a library using F#, and would like to generate .fsi signature files for each F# source file. To do this, I think I just need to add this command-line option for each file:...
View ArticleAndroid Activity Lifecycle article contains two giant-sized pictures
The article Activity Lifecycle in the Android docs has two giant-sized images (image1.png and image2.png). The first image is 14250x2875 px, the second one is 6750x7842. Because of these two pictures...
View ArticleHow can I use JCIFS in Java Android Binding?
I am trying to use JCIFS library in Xamarin with Java Bindings Library. I was able to implement in the project by ignoring some method, that causes some problem during transformation, in metadata.xml....
View ArticleInstalling Mod_mono with Macports
I tried to install mod_mono and xsp on a Mac from source. I didn't succeed. When Installing xsp it required mono-nunit. So, I eventually opted to install all these with Macports (already had mono...
View ArticleMissing or incorrect header
I started getting this error when debugging an app in the simulator, after today's update. I am using Xamarin Studio for iOS. Any help is greatly appreciated
View ArticleAdd-in manager: gallery repositories not available
Hi, I installed Xamarin yesterday. As I wanted to add F# support, I turned to the Add-in Manager. When trying to refresh or see the add-in manager gallery, I get the following: "Could not get...
View ArticleExpectation failed exception during post using HttpWebRequest
I'm using this code in android to get a response from a server using POST: public string PostDataRequest(string url,string postData){ WebResponse response = null; Stream dataStream = null; StreamReader...
View ArticleStable version: Patched FluentValidation project deploys from Mac Xamarin,...
with help from http://scan.xamarin.com/ and similar issues with AutoMapper https://github.com/AutoMapper/AutoMapper/issues/429, I have patched a version of FluentValidation with profile158 which passes...
View ArticleScrollViewer won't Scroll
Hello, I have a View and in this View I added a ScrollView and inside the ScrollView another View. In ViewController I tried to set the ContentSize like this: scrollView.ContentSize =...
View ArticleHelp needed with Xamarin Store App and ordering free t-shirt
I would much appreciate the help! After lots of trial and errors, i finally got to successfully run Xamarin Android Store App. I did run the xamarin Store App and followed the instructions (eg....
View ArticleError getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure
Hi, My Xamarin.Android app uses HTTPClient from Nuget in a PCL. It makes 3 web calls, the first registers some entered details, the second logs on returning a cookie, the third gets some data using the...
View ArticleSmart TVs apps with Xamarin
Hi guys, Anyone ever used Xamarin for developing apps for smart TVs? Thank you all
View ArticleXamarin iOS didn't open the iOS Simulation
Hi Guys, I have VS 2013, I have install Xamarin Studio to the latest version. When i try to create a sample project. No mater what i try it's not able to run the iOS Simulator. Any Idea how to trouble...
View ArticleHTTPs problem Error code 0x5
Hi people, I have a problem to access HTTPs service using an RestSharp library (http://components.xamarin.com/view/restsharp/). Always i try to send request, i receive this error: ErrorException...
View ArticleHow to create a service proxy of a WCF service hosted in Windows Azure
In the web service example given here (http://docs.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/application_fundamentals/web_services/walkthrough_working_with_WCF/), how about generating a service proxy file of a...
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