Getting System.InvalidCastException while loading View from a xib file
I have a xib file - LoaderView.xib and associated class LoaderView.cs which contains a view for showing loading text. When I try to load it in the main ViewController as - public override void...
View ArticleWORKS! == Xamarin.Forms + .NET Standard + Entity Framework Core for SQLite on...
Hi folks. Thought I'd share some tinkering I've done lately. I wanted to see if I could get a Xamarin.Forms sample app adapted from using SQLite.Net PCL to using Entity Framework Core instead (but...
View ArticleManually Configuring a Device
If for some reason you can not connect to your device over WiFi you can attempt to manually configure your device via the configuration file.. Simply head to your application data folder: Windows:...
View ArticleHow to get width/height dimensions of video selected by Xam.Plugin.Media?
I have a mobile app that uses the Xam.Plugin.Media to select existing photos/videos on a device, or take photos/video with the device. Once I have the image/video file, I need to determine the...
View ArticleMac Disk Space disappears with Xamarin Studio
I am a newbie to Xamrin but i am trying to get sample code working and as a result have had to use the Android SDK Manager to install and uninstall various packages. So in one day I have gone from 80GB...
View ArticleERROR ITMS-90502: "Invalid Bundle. Apps that only contain the arm64 slice...
ERROR ITMS-90502: "Invalid Bundle. Apps that only contain the arm64 slice must also have 'arm64' in the list of UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in Info.plist." I have a Xamarin Forms app targeting iOS...
View ArticleProblem linking third-party framework
Hello everyone. I need to add a third party framework to my Xamarin.iOS app. I decided the best way to this was to create a static library first (in xCode), then make a Binding Library Project and...
View ArticleNavigationPage + TabbedPage + "More..." on iOS
I have an app with over 4 tab pages, so the extra ones go under the "More..." tab on iOS. Due to this bug ( I currently have my pages set up as:...
View ArticleNavigation issue when TabbedPage has ... MORE
I am unable to navigate the user to a page using PushAsync from a TabbedPage in the More list. The problem is easily repeatable and stems from trying to open (PushAsync) another page from ContentPage...
View ArticleHelp to create a Expandable List View with selected child item funcionality
Hello guys. Newbie here. I need to implement a expandable List View where i can select the child item and fire a event (like opening a page or so). I had tried some examples but none have the...
View ArticleVisual Studio installer trying to install everything
I've installed visual studio for mac, now I want to install the android package + forms, so in the installer I only tick on android and leave the rest unticked, it shows download size: 300~ mb but when...
View ArticleHow to user AWS Cognito to Sign-in and Sign-up users
Does anyone know how to use AWS Cognito handle user registration and sign in for a mobile app? I have been trying to find examples/tutorials online for a while now but can't seem to find anything that...
View ArticleHow can i create a badge over an image
I tried to place a text over a badge, but this badge is the part of image. Then i thought that would be better to craete a badge and to put the value inside it. How can i do this(badge and value) and...
View ArticleOn().SafeAreaInsets() Returns Top=20 for non iPhone X
On<Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOS>().SafeAreaInsets() Returns Top=20 for non iPhone X Is it corect behaviour? I thought it should be 0.
View ArticleHow change layout_height dynamically of ListView
I want to change android:layout_height dynamically in ListView. Actually, I'm using listview many places, But there it's height increasing automatically no need to set any value. Just using this:...
View ArticleHow to use AdMob Mediation with Facebook Audience in Xamarin Forms
I have a Xamarin Forms app (2.3.4+) with AdMob ads. I can see banners and interstitials in both Android and iOS apps. I'd like to enable AdMod mediation to show also Facebook ads, but mediation is not...
View ArticleWhy does MimeTypeMap.Singleton.GetMimeTypeFromExtension for db returns null?
Hi, I'm trying to change the filepicker (FilePicker-Plugin-for-Xamarin-and-Windows) intent to only show me db files, I thought that if I passed the correct mime-type it would only show me the db files....
View ArticleXAML Designer for UWP
Hello, I wonder if there is a designer tool, or at least a previewer, for Xamarin.Forms UWP project in Visual Studio 2017? I don't have any Andriod or Mac device for the moment, and I feel the...
View ArticleDesigner not loading
Hello, after updating to the latest version of Visual Studio and Xamarin, the disigner(storyboard dont load) no longer works. I also updated XCode to 9.1. There are no error or exceptions, it just...
View ArticleI thought that downloading the Xamarin NuGet would pull all the dependencies...
I installed the Xamarin NuGet into my solution and tried to run the app when I received this error: Exception while loading assemblies: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load assembly...
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