Culture Localization with Xamarin Forms and .Net Standard
I recently converted a localized app from PCL to .Net Standard which is localized with RESX files as described on this page:
View ArticleXML errors
Can someone explain to me why im having this error? i just create a normal xml file for my left drawer, but it seams that the whole xml is the error. But i haven't done any wrong codes or error codes...
View ArticleLocale settings should now work on all Android devices in the Test Cloud
Hi all, There has been a somewhat long-standing issue impacting Android devices in the Test Cloud, preventing some of them from properly accepting --locale settings. As of approximately January 16th,...
View ArticleHow can I access the ViewCell that was selected in a ListView ItemSelected...
Hi all, I'm trying to access the ViewCell that was selected in a ListView.ItemSelected event. I know how the access the ListView itself and the selected object, but I'm trying to access the actual...
View ArticleLoad an image from the device into skiasharp canvas view?
What I want to do is either: load a picture from (i.e: gallery) into the canvas and draw on top of it, or do some drawing on a canvas then combine it with a picture Or if there is other way to achieve...
View ArticleSqlite incompatibility or missing configuration?
This app works just fine on android, but when I try to use Xamarin Live Player, it gives me this message : Start (Mobile.Android, LGE LG-H422 Player, ). Attempting connection to debug address:...
View ArticleMVVM viewmodel deselect listview item
Is there a way to deselect a listview item in a viewmodel without having to do it in the xaml code behind?
View ArticleConfused About MapRenderer OnElementChanged() Event Handler
Greetings all, I have an app I'm building for work that will render Polygon layers for farm fields on a Google Map in both Android and iOS. I used the official tutorial for highlighting a region which...
View ArticleGetting specific field
public void GetData() { string urli = inputUrl.Text.ToString(); string baseAddress = urli; var response = client.GetAsync(baseAddress + "test/Test").Result; data.Text =...
View ArticleNeed to highlight the search keyword in the list view results with some...
Hi Team, In my app, I have a search functionality with listview controller, I need to implement Input text (Search text) words to be some style in Search results listview. For more please check the...
View ArticleI need to implement login form AD authentication with my ON-Premises and data...
Hi, I need to implement mobile app with local AD with public IP and also save some data into MSSQL Server with public IP
View ArticleHow to update viewmodel based on selected item of listview present in other...
I have a page with master viewmodel.This mater viewmodel is having two different view models with which two content views(custom user control) are binded. The first viewmodel A has a listview in it.On...
View ArticleHow to get selected item in listview using longpress with mr.gestures?
Hi! I'm try to get an selected item in listview using longpress with mr.gestures but I'm not getting any success. Could someone give me an example of using with MVVM? Regards.
View ArticleAn error occurred while sending the PostAsync request on Android
hello World, I got an issue, when I do a postAsync request on android devices. I already add Internet permission to the manifest. But I don't understand, cause my code is working fine on IOS Device....
View ArticleBroadcastReceiver - Can't Start Service on Boot | Reboot
Hello everyone, I am facing problem to start background service on boot. My service runs without problems if started from anywhere else, but on boot, crashes immediately. Below is my BroadcastReceiver...
View ArticleReal Time FCM Database Sync With Xamarin Form
i am able to get the fcm realtime database data in my xamarin forms, but i want when i change the data of my database on fcm it should also change in my xamarin form application, i had seen people...
View ArticleReferencing support libraries in custom components library
Hi, I made library that contains some custom components and activities. For this purpose I use some android support libraries. But when I referenced my components library in main application project I...
View ArticleBing Maps
Is there a way to use Bing Maps SDK from Windows Phone on Xamarin.Android? I would like to use the same code on the Android.
View ArticleProblem after updating
I updated my XamarinStudio today and now I get the following error when I try to compile my iOS project. "The target "_CollectBundleResources" does not exist in the project." Any thoughts on how to fix...
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