How to write files to the Files app in iOS 11
I have an app that writes csv files that the user can open in iTunes. However, I am unable to find documentation that shows how to write files to the new Files app from iOS 11 so that the user could...
View ArticleHow do I display heart rate in the app from a PolarH7 monitor?
Hi How do I display heart rate in the xamarin portable app from a PolarH7 monitor? Is it really possible to do that? Need help Previously I implemented it successfully in a UWP app using GATT, but now...
View ArticleXamarin Froms, Visual Studio 2017, String Localization
Hey guys I was using so far Visual Studio 2015 to develop apps with Xamarin Forms, PCL I recently downloaded Visual Studio 2017 for the same purpose Unfortunately, I can't create a resources...
View ArticleCan't install Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 24.2.1
Hello I tried to update Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 but I get this error Unable to find a version of 'Xamarin.Android.Support.Compat' that is compatible with 'Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 24.2.1...
View ArticleVisual Studio 2017 + Xamarin Check version .apk and reinstall .apk
Hi, I´ve started recently with Xamarin and I´m trying to generate an .apk using Xamarin Studio using Android that it checks an ip address and in this address check an .txt file with versión data of the...
View ArticleSystem.IO.FileNotFoundException Could not load assembly System.Drawing
Hello, I meet this error in a Xamarin.forms project using WebView and local html base url: Exception while loading assemblies: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load assembly 'System.Drawing,...
View ArticleForms9Patch: Simplify multi-device image management in your PCL Xamarin.Forms...
Announcement of Form9Patch Xamarin Forms is great for developing apps on Android and iOS but it is missing two important tools for developers: scalable images and PCL multi-screen image management....
View ArticleLive Player + .Net Standard
Have latest releases of everything, created empty .net standard 2.0 project, tried to launch it on android, got this exception: (1,1): error: Failed to load assembly from stream:...
View ArticleWORKS! == Xamarin.Forms + .NET Standard + Entity Framework Core for SQLite on...
Hi folks. Thought I'd share some tinkering I've done lately. I wanted to see if I could get a Xamarin.Forms sample app adapted from using SQLite.Net PCL to using Entity Framework Core instead (but...
View ArticleMy app not showing on Siri Suggestion
Hi All, I implemented SIRI by referring SiriKit implemetation document provided by Xamarin. Now if I open SIRI and I leave it for 3 seconds it automatically show the list of applications uses SIRI in...
View ArticleCachingStrategy missing in listview renderer
Whenever I use CachingStrategy in a listview renderer the app throws a XamlsParseException error. Is this a bug or caching strategy is not available when using a listview renderer?
View ArticleUrhoSharp with Proper UWP support (x64 + Release)
I've been working on a desktop software project using Xamarin Forms / UWP / UrhoSharp and when we started we came to the conclusion that Microsoft was pushing Urho as their cross platform 3D library...
View ArticleMissing Android Options under Project Properties
I am preparing a project for a release update and have noticed that many of the Packaging Properties under the Android options are missing. Previously this project had the options. I reinstalled...
View ArticleApp suddenly “stuck” and not processing UI updates but keeps responsive
Currently I have strange problems that remind me of working with the WPF Dispatcher from earlier times. In WPF my workaround was to increase the dispatcher invoke priority. In Xamarin Android I work...
View ArticleConfused About MapRenderer OnElementChanged() Event Handler
Greetings all, I have an app I'm building for work that will render Polygon layers for farm fields on a Google Map in both Android and iOS. I used the official tutorial for highlighting a region which...
View ArticleVisualization Error
Every time I try to deploy my Xamarin.iOS app through Xamarin Live Player, I get this error: Visualization Error Object of type 'System.Func'1[System.Object]' cannot be converted to type...
View ArticleCan i Recalculate old Value Property in my Custom Control
I have Created this bindable property in my CustomSlider it is giving me double value, so i want to convert it into integer at the time of rendering. is it possible if it is please let me know public...
View ArticleOdd error with xamarin forms "Wrong state class, expecting View State but...
The full error is: Wrong state class, expecting View State but received class android.widget.ProgressBar$SavedState instead. This usually happens when two views of different type have the same id in...
View ArticleHow to do this bundle signing/provisioning
After a day of trying , I need some help. I cannot build from Visual Studio on Windows using an Agent on the MAc. Xamarin support is still trying to find out what the problem is. So I decided to build...
View ArticleWhat is equivalent to Android.App.Application.Context in Xamarin iOS?
Hi I am creating a shared preference object to manage user sessions where i need context path, please let me know how can i get the Application Context in Xamarin.iOS Android.App.Application.Context =...
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