Creating a mobile app that authenticates with Azure AD and integrates with...
Check out cross-platform Xamarin Forms app that integrates with Azure Active Directory and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 365. Source is available on Github: Documentation...
View ArticlePrint HTML from Android on bluetooth printer
Found many answers here and but none helps. So dont mark as duplicate please. I need to print out styled HTML which contains an image, from Android to Bluetooth printer (Cashino PTP-II) using Xamarin...
View ArticleHow to open the specific page when user click on Push notification?
I have an application,when any new order created then it will send a push notification. so after receiving push notification, when user click on that notification it will open that specific order...
View ArticlePrint HTML from Android on bluetooth printer (Cashino PTP-II)
Found many answers here but none helps. I need to print out styled HTML which contains an image, from Android to Bluetooth printer (Cashino PTP-II, lang: ESC/POS) using Xamarin and Visual studio. The...
View ArticleApp Crashes if Menu-Button gets activated
I programmed a basic app interface and it runs alright on the nougat emulator APIv25. But if I press the right button of the menu bar at the bottom of the emulator the app crashes. The "back-button"...
View ArticleHow to print image via bluetooth printer
Hello , everyone, Currently i am develop a program that allow user to print receipt .Now i want to enhance it so it can print image (Company Logo) , so anyone know how to print image from xamarin form?...
View Articlehow to send notifications to selected lcoations
hello eveyone. i am building an app, that connects users according to their location. for example, a user can define a location and send a notifications to other users in the same location. i have...
View ArticleMvvmCross.Plugin.Location.Fused 5.6.3 is not compatible with netstandard2.0
Hi, I am using MvvmCross 5.6.3. I tried adding MvvmCross.Plugin.Location.Fused 5.6.3. The output from Package Manager: Package 'MvvmCross.Plugin.Visibility 5.6.3' was restored using...
View ArticleXamarin - HDMI CEC
Hi all, I'm building an Android application to sort the channels inside an SQLite DB. This will be a application to help out my dad that received an Android Box and it contains an app to watch TV but...
View ArticleXamarin Forms and Main Activity - What's the correct way to trigger an event...
Hi, to capture a Key event I override the OnKeyDown method on the Main Activity, what is the best way\most correct way to send that information\event to the Form so that the Form acts after that event...
View ArticleSAML SSO Authentication?
What's the recommended way to do SAML SSO authentication in a Xamarin app? It seems that the Symplified.Auth project has been abandoned. Also, the Xamarin.Auth library only supports OAuth
View ArticleHide tab bar on push
I would like to hide the tab bar of a TabbedPage when a specific page is pushed with Navigation.PushAsync(). In iOS UIViewController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed does the job, is there any way to do the...
View ArticleSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an...
im using App Center to collect insights about the app. im not using MainPage as my entry page. In recieving this error PageUtilities.GetCurrentPage (Xamarin.Forms.Page mainPage)...
View Articlecrud in rest api and httpclinet
hi everybody i need to delete from my tbl in xamarin android i use dbfirst but my code dont work normaly please help me! here is my code
View ArticleCan't install Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 24.2.1
Hello I tried to update Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 but I get this error Unable to find a version of 'Xamarin.Android.Support.Compat' that is compatible with 'Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 25.3.1...
View ArticleXamarin Ios - iBeacon Transmitter Not working!
Hi Experts, I followed the iOS tutorial to make my application transmit ibeacon, I see the logs as its Advertising. But my Scanner in another device is not scanning the Ibeacon. Can you please let me...
View ArticleCan not Binding a .JAR
I got a .jar named "dji-sdk-provided-4.4.1.jar" from this site:https:$$$dji-sdk$Mobile-SDK-Android. When I try to bind this jar to dll follow the walkthrough of "Binding a .JAR" I got 7012...
View ArticleMessaging Center called twice in xamarin forms
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<string>(this, "LocationName", (value) => { FullPathName.Text = value; }); While I set a break point and notice that This MessagingCenter.Subscribe called twice. How...
View ArticleHow can I use correctly the activity indicator on Android?
Hi, I'm using this plugin for showing that the app is busy, but on Android the animation is always stuck. For example I use it in this code: private async Task SelectWorkOrderItemAsync(WorkOrderLista...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Editor : Adjust the height according to the number of lines...
I want to adjust the height of the Editor COntrol according to the number of lines in an editor when text change. Can you please explain How can I do it ? The Editor is in a GridView. I tried many...
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