Unable to resolve dependencies with Xamarin Forms Maps and Google Cloud...
I'm having a heck of a time getting both my Maps and Notification Hubs working within an Android project. Has anyone been successful with it? As soon as I add both references (Maps and GCM) GCM stops...
View ArticleEntry control does not work
Hello friends, Entry control does not allow edit when the content page is called with Navigation.PushAsync. The keyboard appears, and the Text property changes fine, but the value is not shown in UI. I...
View ArticleHow to load static data in local sqlite DB?
Hi, I have requirement to load static data when application starts for the first time. This the data of countries, district and cities. How do I populate this data in sqlite db. The data is huge, it...
View ArticleEntry element Coodinates
Hi, I have page with entries inside stacklayout and scrollview, when i click on entry then how can i find coordinates of that entry(X, Y).
View ArticleSham on Microsoft
Hi everyone, I think that it is extremely disrespectful that Microsoft releases Visual Studio for Windows with .net standard support without giving MacOS .net standard support at the same time....
View ArticleUpgrade app to EasyTables
Hello, I need to upgrade a mobile app to EasyTables: myapp.azurewebsites.net/ I already have some web.apis working, but when I try to active the EasyTables, I get the warning: "I acknowledge that this...
View ArticleProblems with Xamarin Live Player?
Hi, I'm trying Xamarin Live Player, using Visual Studio 2017 Preview 3, following this link to setup: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/live/install/. It seems to work for simple...
View ArticleScrollView blocks when nested inside a RelativeLayout or an AbsoluteLayout
I've got a layout which requires an area where you can scroll horizontally and above that 'layer', a new layer of fixed controls is required as well (a sidebar which is not to move from its place). The...
View ArticleHow to handle orientation for both Android and iOS
Hello, I have searched the documentation on how to handle orientation changes and found a page for Android (can't post link since I'm a new user but it's under Android -> Application Fundamentals...
View ArticleAndroid Custom Switch Render disable Switch.Toggled event
I created a switch with a label related to it, in the sense that when Switch in turned on/off the label change it's text. Then I created a custom switch render who work very well for me, but I have an...
View ArticleHow can i use a renderer file
I did this xaml in my toolbar <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@+id/toolbar"...
View ArticleHow can i use a renderer
I did this xaml in my toolbar <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@+id/toolbar"...
View ArticleExpandable Listview
there are several views in my general layout, my listview is in the middle, what properties does it need to have in order to be able to show all it's contents when I add a new data to it. tried...
View ArticlePassing Data throught database
I'm trying to pass the data to another activity, the data is from database. And I'm having an error, and IDK why, can someone explain it to me? This is how i Put the Extra: private void...
View ArticleHow to properly detect if an Android device is a phone or a tablet?
Hi, all. Up until now, I was using the ScreenLayout to detect if an Android device is a phone or a tablet, to force the orientation to Portrait/Landscape. The problem with the code below is that, for...
View ArticleHow to use Fabric.io with a Xamarin project?
I have installed the Fabric SDK into my Xamarin project, but after testing a crash as well as multiple "messages" the Fabric.io site is not reporting any activity. This is the information that is...
View ArticleIs there any solution to merge multiple images to create a group's picture
Hi there, Like the title is saying, I am looking for a way to merge multiple images to create a single and unique picture that will display some or all of them into a mosaic style. This will be quite...
View ArticleAllowing multiple Xamarin installation
Hi, Currently, I'm on the following version: Xamarin Studio Version: 4.2.3 (build 60) Xamarin.iOS Version: Xamarin Updater is informing me that there is a newer version is available Xamarin...
View ArticleFill polygon with image/bitmap
Is there a option to fill a drawn polygon with an image/bitmap like image brushes on WPF?
View ArticleCall an Android Activity from PCL
Hi, I am relatively new to Xamarin.Forms and am currently working on a cross-platform app. Part of the app requires videos to be played using Brightcove's Player SDK (Java classes). I have created a...
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