Do you have a code sample for how to use the iOS keyboard dictation APIs that...
I have been searching for a code sample for how to use these APIs for a long time. As far as I can tell there are no code samples for this, either put out by Xamarin or Apple. As I am using MonoTouch,...
View ArticleAnyone has the Urban Airship v3.0 sdk monotouch binding working?
I tried to compile the libUAirship-3.0.0a library using But, I am getting the error: Missing navtive library to specifiy the path to this library...
View ArticleVS 2012 Publish Android Application menu option is disabled
Yesterday, I was able to create an Android apk package, and today, I cannot. I am trying to ship this new apk by end of the day, and this roadblock was a bit unexpected. I hate those "please someone...
View ArticleResource Bundle icons not being sent to appstore
I'm new to these forums and Xamarin. so please excuse if this is a newbish type problem. I recently sent an app to the appstore and received these messages in return. Missing recommended icon file -...
View ArticlePossible to use ValueAnimator in 2.2?
I have built my app to target 2.2 (Froyo) and often use Mono.Android.Support.V4. I noticed that Android.Animation is not available so I cant use ValueAnimator. Is there another way to include this?
View ArticleProblem when trying to bind Google Analytics jar
Using GoogleAnalyticsAndroid V2 beta 5. Created a java binding library with google analytics jar and got it built successfully by making public one of the interfaces: public However in runtime I get...
View ArticleiOS Storyboard editor completely broken for anyone else in build 4.1.11?
Is anyone else having issues with the storyboard editor in Alpha 4.1.11? Even if I create a new single view storyboard iPhone application, when I try and open the storyboard in XS, it spins for quite a...
View ArticleInvalid Signature
I keep getting this error/mail after submitting my app for review: Invalid Signature - Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a...
View ArticleCreating database with SQLite only once
I'm following an example found here about creating a database with SQLite. Now as far as I can see, this example re-creates the database every time. How can I make sure that the database only gets...
View ArticleTestFlight and UrbanAirship bindings
Hi, I've noticed that the native libraries for both of these have been updated to 2.0.x releases. Has anyone managed to get a binding for these? I've tried a few ways and can't get it to bind...
View ArticleMewbie Tasky Test Failed
Ok, I followed the installation instructions, which were not very helpful, and tried to run Tasky as a test for the environment settings. Run under Debug and immediately saw the following errors inside...
View on iphone 5
i've been using for scanning qr codes on an iphone 4s and it works very well, but today i tried my app on an iphone 5 (two different ones, two different iOS versions) and both had...
View ArticleThin Rounded Font - Few Obj-C Lines to C#
Hey! I found this code: It isn't parsed anywhere, the only place i found it was in that image. Can someone convert it to...
View ArticleZXing, good but needs work
The whole "Create your own binding" thing is not really working as a strategy :) Enterprise devs simply don't have the time (in general) to make this happen. Xamarin, is there any way that you can make...
View ArticlePossibly Utah meetup
The forums are new and I think I'm the only person on here from Utah so far, but I'm wondering if there is enough interest to get a meetup going in Utah? PS, I'm too cheap to pay for a group on the...
View ArticleSeptember 24: Android Development With Xamarin, C#, and Azure Mobile Services...
Today I did my first really large Xamarin session at a developer conference. More than 150 people were in the room at the BASTA conference in Germany. Obviously, there is a lot of interest for Xamarin...
View ArticleSpecial file *.linkwith.cs is not created when adding a universal static...
Hello, Maybe someone ever experienced a similar behavior. I have created an iOS binding project and adding a universal static library, or the iPhone, or simulator build but it just keeps not creating...
View ArticleNavigationController missing back button when coming from the third level to...
I have a multiple screen application. From the level1 screen you can access the level2 screen then the level3 screen. My problem is when I come back from the level3 screen to the level2 screen. The...
View ArticleView is displayed under status bar in iOS 7 and EdgesForExtendedLayout...
I'm having a problem that my view is diplayed under the status bar. After searching I found I had to added "this.EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None;" to the ViewDidLoad() of the ViewController,...
View ArticleMonoTouch.UIKit.NSStringDrawing.GetSizeUsingAttributes throws an exception
This is probably a Xamarin bug by the looks. Does anyone have a work around? The bigger picture is I'm trying to replace a call to UITextView.ContentSize which no longer works in iOS7. 2013-09-25...
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