SQLite question
I downloaded SQLite. I tried to add a reference to the dll under Android folder but it failed with an exception, "... could not find the file specified or one of its dependencies". What is the correct...
View ArticleUnable to determine license edition.
I am unable to run any android application. when i build any application its always show an error "Unable to determine license edition." When i am trying to run application in xamarin studio it shows a...
View Articlehow to open new activity as popup using xamarin
hi i am using xamarin to build android app. i want to open activity as pop-up and not in other screen in Android i found some links for android (java), but i could not find any thing using xamarin
View ArticleAPI Level 19 (aka KitKat) support
I'm hoping this is coming soon. In particular I'm looking for android.provider.Telephony.Sms and getDefaultSmsPackage since the behavior has change for launching an SMS intent. More info here:...
View ArticleVisual Studio 2012 Layout Designer is not rendering all elements
Until 4.10, in layout editor buttons, layouts, etc was shown using complete defined styles (background image, colors, etc); now it's more....schematic. Buttons=rectangles, etc. For me it's a big...
View ArticleHow come FindViewById returns null?
I've read in many forums that you cannot find a view by id when the view you are referring to is not in the setcontentview. But somehow, mine returns null that i cannot add an event to a textview. Can...
View ArticleUpdating an MTD issue
Hi, I have a list of object that I retrieve from a server once. I then output these to an MTD one at a time. If the user clicks to accept, that record is removed from the list used to generate the MTD....
View ArticleCreating an app - which way to go?
hi there! i'm new to ios development. in the past i just developed desktop applications using windows forms. reading the tutorials and guides i figured out that there are multiple ways to create an ios...
View ArticleQuit APplication?
Newbie question... i have an iOS app and would like to add a "Quit" button. I've tried Environment.Exit(0), but that seems to hang. Is there a more appropriate way to interact with the application...
View ArticleProblem updating/installing GTK
I Installed GTKsharp 2.12.22 and then installed Xamarin studios on windows 7 Proffesional. It immediately ask me to update GTK# I click on "Restart and Install Update." I get an error "The installation...
View ArticleGameCircle Amazon
Hi guys, I need to use in my project GameCircle by Amazon. Here the api reference: https://developer.amazon.com/sdk/gamecircle.html Does someone have integrated these libraries in a monodroid project?
View ArticleYou_Should_Not_Call_base_In_This_Method exception
Hi, I have a UISegmentedControl which is used to switch between the views of a UITabController which is hidden (see the code below). It was working until a few days ago. But now it throws...
View Article::.ctor(System.IntPtr, Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) --->...
When does xamarin try to use the above constructor. In my case during orientation change xamarin is trying to create a UI object that had been disposed off using the above constructor. any thoughts on...
View ArticleJust upgraded my Xam studio and now i'm getting errors! Not sure how to fix :(
I'm trying to make an iOS app. I just updated my Xam studio and one of my projects in the solution, now errors. Here's the error: the project is: 4.0-Profile136 It's called MyApp.Services. another...
View ArticleXamarin Studio 4.2.1 build 1 crashes every time I want to open a file
I am runngin Xamarin Studio 4.2.1 build 1 on Mac OS 10.9. Every time I want to open a file (via file open) the file open dialog shows up for a second and then XS crashes. The same happens when I want...
View Articlegetting internal data from inside of a class extending SQLiteOpenHelper
I'm trying to get data from an .xml page inside of my projects Resources/Values folder, but I can't access members of the directory Android.Content.Res.Resources from a class extending...
View ArticleRun -> Start Debugging Greyed Out
Hey all, Running a MonoGame Windows OpenGL project (v3.01) on Xamarin Studio v4.01, and I can't debug for some reason. This is becoming increasingly problematic as the project gets more complex. I just...
View ArticleRemove From Project Not Remembering
Is there an issue with Xamarin Studio where as when you remove from project (not physically delete) that next time you load the project in XS it does not remember the "excluded" files are removed from...
View ArticlePolygonOptions InvokeStrokeColor Google maps v2 error
I am using this code to set a polygon on the map. It works great as long as I don't set the strokeColor. If I try and set the stroke color or the fill color the polygon doesn't show, or at least it is...
View ArticleFatal Exception with Google Maps
Hey guys, i'm trying to get Google Maps to work withing my app I've followed the examples listed here,...
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