Not calling override method on EvaluateJavascript when window.method is...
I am trying to inject Javascript to the webivew which was designed using Angular2. Now on button click they wrote a function as shown below this.nativeAppService.sendToNative({eventName:...
View ArticleHow to create beam scanner app in xamarin forms for PM80 device
I am new in xamarin forms kindly help me about Point mobile scanner app. This device (delfi PM 80) have built in scanner. If any one have any example kindly help me. Thanks in advance
View ArticleThe Master detail icon doesn't respond to the FlowDirection.RightToLeft...
The hamburger button of the master detail page is always on the left even I set the FlowDirection to RightToLeft , this happens when the MainPage is set this way in App.xaml.cs: MainPage = new...
View ArticleMobile App Development
We can develop mobile apps that integrate with any available hardware component embedded in a device. We create responsive, intuitive and innovative mobile apps that help you, your team and your...
View ArticleiOS : ToolbarItems not displaying on root navigation page
Hello all, I got three toolbaritems in my app which display everywhere on Android. Prob is on iOS it only shows on pages which are pushed in the navigationPage. When I'm on the root page of the...
View ArticleWatchOS 5.1 TCP Outgoing connection problem
Hello. My Watch App call web service on https protocol in Internet. I have always nw_resolver_create_dns_service_locked error: WatchKit Extension[326:81502] dnssd_clientstub ConnectToServer:...
View ArticleCarouselView with previewing side elements (Here is how)
CoverFlowView is a part of CardsView nuget package allows to achieve it. Check github for more info
View ArticleGetting screen contents height
Hello, I am trying to create my own pan and pinch gestures so I can understand how they work, however I am having some problems finding the boundaries for the dragging. I currently use the ScreenHeight...
View ArticleStatically registering a Broadcast Receiver - A working example
Hello there I wan't to statically register a Broadcast Receiver and I have followed the guidelines at As I...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms Sirikit Implementation.
I need to implement in a Xamarin.Forms Project Sirikit. I have tested sirikit in xamarin.ios only projects and works fine. Cant say the same about Xamarin Forms. I dont know whats going on because it...
View ArticleGood morning, i can´t resolve Plugin.InputKit error after install it, it...
Can not resolve reference: Plugin.CurrentActivity, referenced by Plugin.InputKit. Please add a NuGet package or assembly reference for Plugin.CurrentActivity, or remove the reference to...
View ArticleHow to reduce space between 2 label on a Grid??
I have a Grid with 2 label and I want minimal space between, but I'm not be able to reduce it. I've tried RowSpacing="1" but it doesn't work <ContentPage.Content> <Grid Padding="20, 0, 20, 20"...
View ArticleOpening a PDF in Default Application
I have followed all the directions for opening a pdf from downloads but I always get an error that it cannot access the file. I have read storage on, how do I start an intent to open the default file...
View ArticleGet images to Gallery instantly
Hey guys, I'm working on a tiny app, which creates images. Most parts are working pretty well, some bugs as usually. But one thing is making me mad. If I create an Image (JPG) it needs at least 10...
View ArticleFirebase console - problem sending test FCM messages
I've posted this on the FCM slack channel, but in the absence of any response so far there, I thought it would be worth trying here! I'm having problems sending test messages from the console. I've...
View Articleremoving space between label and a list view.
How do i remove the space between my label and the list view?
View ArticleXamarin MvvmCross java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class...
Hi, My app has started throwing exceptions stating it can't find the Mvx.MvxImageView class. It throws on BindingInflate within the OnCreateView of a MvxFragment. The fragment is for an image in a...
View ArticleWhat is the best place to pre-process data before any UI is initialized?
I want to process the data in a database before any UI pulls the data from it through View Model. Since async / await operations involved, which is the best place to pre-process data? I find doing it...
View ArticleLabel visibility true when entry text property is not empty
Hello Guy's I have a create application but i am facing a issue. I want to label visibility true when entry text property is not empty and when entry text property not empty then label visibility...
View Article[XAMARIN FORMS] problem of the link between my xaml view (with a picker) and...
Hello everyone, I have a small problem, I explain myself: here's what I did, I have a page with buttons (with different values) and a picker (see xaml code), when the user clicks on a button, normally...
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