Setting the resource file I want to use (not using localization)
Hello there! I read about you can use .resx resource files automatically according the Localization of the App, so if you have MyData.en.resx and, it will use one or another according if...
View ArticleThe Master detail icon doesn't respond to the FlowDirection.RightToLeft...
The hamburger button of the master detail page is always on the left even I set the FlowDirection to RightToLeft , this happens when the MainPage is set this way in App.xaml.cs: MainPage = new...
View ArticleHow to build view same as Android Linear Layout
I want to create list Content like below picture : under each icon I have text. when I have more than two item go to next row like as picture. but all data comes from database(dynamic) , how to build...
View ArticleBackground service - Get GPS Location every x minutes?
Hi all, I'm developing an app using Xamarin (duh), and I need a background service that gets the user's GPS location at recurring intervals (say, every 15 minutes). This project...
View ArticleiOS code signing key not found in keychain
After having successfully built, tested and published a Xamarin Forms app both for Android and iOS I'm suddenly no longer able to build the iOS version. I'm getting the "iOS code signing key not found...
View ArticleOpening a PDF in Default Application
I have followed all the directions for opening a pdf from downloads but I always get an error that it cannot access the file. I have read storage on, how do I start an intent to open the default file...
View ArticlePicker pops up twice
I have a simple picker inside a list view and on my devices when I use my finger to scroll or tap it pops up twice I have verified this on multiple devices and I know it is not my code - it's just a...
View ArticleUnable to resume video once video got paused using xamarin madia manager plugin.
I am able to play video successfully using following: player.Source = item.VideoUrls.First().Url; await CrossMediaManager.Current.VideoPlayer.Play(); Then I paused the video using following code:...
View ArticleHow can we apply MVVM pattern in step by step
How can we apply MVVM pattern in step by step
View ArticleGetting a empty list inside a button click Xamarin.Forms
I am new to Xamarin and MVVM. In my application I have Tabbed page and I have two child views inside. I am making a network call and getting data from databse in my first child's view model. Data is...
View ArticleError using ExportAttribute with array parameter
When I'm using ExportAttribute on a managed method with array parameter like this: [Export] public static int A(int[] b) { ... } I'll get: NotSupportedException: Only primitive types and IJavaObject is...
View ArticleMismatch between the processor architecture
Hi. I am using Xamarin.Forms on Visual Studio 2017. I am trying to use a dll that is compiled on 64bit. When i run the app on android emulator, it has a warning of "mismatch between the processor...
View ArticleIs it possible to call an asynchronous method from a synchronous method?
Hello everyone, I'm having a Xamarin.forms application and what I'm trying to do is: 1) someone clicks on an item in a listview 2) the application shows a dialog to the user 3) the application waits...
View ArticleWatchOS 5.1 TCP Outgoing connection problem
Hello. My Watch App call web service on https protocol in Internet. I have always nw_resolver_create_dns_service_locked error: WatchKit Extension[326:81502] dnssd_clientstub ConnectToServer:...
View ArticleHow to fix "open failed: errno 13" exception
I am developing a camera app using CrossMedia.Plugin , when I take a photo from camera or from my phone gallery ,the crashes and the out put window shows open failed: errno 13 exception.How to fix...
View Article[XAMARIN FORMS] problem of the link between my xaml view (with a picker) and...
Hello everyone, I have a small problem, I explain myself: here's what I did, I have a page with buttons (with different values) and a picker (see xaml code), when the user clicks on a button, normally...
View ArticleSmall dSym file
An app I'm building produces a small .dSym file - 9KB. Is that normal? I don't think so. Not sure why it is so small - using latest stable version of Visual Studio 2017 and VS for MAC. App is build in...
View ArticleBroadcast receiver not firing on receive
Here is my broadcast receiver code: [BroadcastReceiver] [IntentFilter(new[] { BluetoothDevice.ActionFound })] public class BlueToothDeviceBroadcastReciever : BroadcastReceiver { public override void...
View ArticleImageButton from Xamarin Forms 3.4: different render behavoir regarding to Image
Old implementation was class MyImageButton : Image { … } This I changed to class MyImageButton : ImageButton { … } On platform UWP it's the same behavoir, iOS I never tested, but on Android it's...
View ArticleBinding to native android lib is not success
I have problem with binding with android native library. After do all steps then build the project. the result is success with many warning. But it not generate .net class on object browser. Please see...
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