Xamarin support for cognitive speech service
I want to use the Cognitive speech service (real-time continuous speech to text and interim results) in the Xamarin app. Is there any SDKs or plugin available? Since REST API has some limitations (no...
View ArticleXamarin Forms execution returns from await Httpclient PostAsync
I am calling a methodgetaddress(); inside viewmodel for getting address information from API. But while debugging, execution returns at var response = await client.PostAsync(base_url +...
View ArticleXamarin Essentials Geolocator - accuracy and response
Has anyone any experience with geolocator - I am beginning to experiment trying to build a simple gps logger. I seem to get some weird results - at first the code returns a credible location then it...
View ArticlePossible bug in Visual Studio for Mac 7.7.4
Hi All, I am new to Xamarin, but I have 18 years development experience in .Net. I upgraded to VS2017 Community Edition for mac to version 7.7.4 today. I then started getting the following event error...
View ArticleHow to change TabbedPage bar height in Android? (Already overriding...
So I've created and successfully replaced the TabbedPage renderer with a custom one. However, I have no clue where it calculates the height, can anyone point me to the right method?
View ArticleAdding microsoft.net.http to an application
Hi, I'm currently part way through porting an iOS app over to macOS. Pretty much everything is done, but when I come to testing I'm getting this error Method not found: void...
View ArticleFirebase.Firestore.FieldValue does not contain a definition for ArrayUnion
Hello! I'm currently working on an application in iOS and Android that uses Firebase. I'm trying to add a value to an existing array in firestore. In iOS I had no problems using...
View ArticleMusic Isn't playing on IOS
I used this guide: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h7523oj7nA&feature=youtu.be to learn how to add music to an IOS app on Xamarin. When I run it using the simulator everything works fine and I can hear...
View Articleget device language/culture..
hello, xamarin forms i cant get the device language when iis set on Hebrew! i do get it on other lang, but in Hebrew in get 'iv' or invariant language var r =...
View ArticleXamarin forms android - disables SSL CA validation
Hello we are facing a security problem with apk, there's a application validating our apk (Appthority) and reports this: Disables SSL CA Validation [ { "status": "DISABLED", "hostname":...
View ArticleHow do I do proper regional formatting in iOS? (Xamarin.Forms)
I have read about a million posts on the topic and all the approaches I have seen thus far appear to be incomplete. Configuration 1 Language = Español (España), Region = España. Using this...
View ArticleAdd Multiple Pins to Map in MVVM pattern
Hello, I am having issues trying to understand how to add Pins to a map in MVVM pattern. (I can have multiple maps in the view). Here's my ViewModel Code. <flv:FlowListView...
View Articlefocus on xamarin
I have a reasonable knowledge of building applications with javascript and apache cordova. Would it be compensatory for me to learn the xamarim? I believe that I would have to devote valuable time to...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Application.Current Properties Backup on user Google Drive account
I want to store my Application.Current.Properties to user's Google Drive Account as backup via Google Drive REST API v3. And Sync functionality from App to Drive and vice a versa. I have searched and...
View ArticleIs possible to create a Button containing both a Text and and an icon fonts...
Hello, I tried to create a button that looks like this: But, I would like to use a icon fonts (like FontAwesome) instead of a Bitmap as source of the Image. I thought that I could it with Iconize, but...
View ArticleError on launching
Hi there! When i trying to launch empty blank template cross-platform xamarin.forms app on phone, visual studio throw this error: resource directory '~\Test\Test\Test.Android\obj\Debug\81\lp\20\jl\res'...
View ArticleReproduce carousel view behaviour/animation/transition to a horizontal scroll...
Hey developers, I have so far tried to use a carousel view due to its ease of use and of course its performance. But I tried to show the tail of each UI elements (let's say we've a bunch of cards)...
View ArticleListView with CachingStrategy="RecycleElement" UIKit Consistency error
Using Visual Studio 2019 Preview, I created an Xamarin Forms Shell project with iOS and Android apps. I updated the MockDataStore to add 1000 items to the list. The list view has...
View ArticleAndroid Emulator Windows Hypervisor performance
I recently removed HAXM and enabled Hyper-v and Hypervisor for running the android emulator. Followed the docs and configured everything. Everything seems to work fine, however the performance is a bit...
View ArticleApp crashing when listview scrolling
Recently I just implemented a listview with a custom cell and a custom selector in Xamarin.Forms, my custom cell have two text binding properties and the selector just pick the correct custom cell...
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