How to create an imagebutton style with transparent backgroundcolor and...
I'd like to use imagebuttons with click animation. So I would have to create a style for my imagebuttons in order to simplify the xaml code, i.e. make the background transparent and add visual states...
View ArticleCreating Apps for SmartTVs with Xamarin?
Hi Folks, a customer asked me to create an app for SmartTVs and which TVs I recommend him to buy. Can you recommend me SmartTV that can run Apps created with Xamarin, e.g. running Android? How to...
View ArticleXamarin Essentials Geolocator - accuracy and response
Has anyone any experience with geolocator - I am beginning to experiment trying to build a simple gps logger. I seem to get some weird results - at first the code returns a credible location then it...
View ArticleHttpWebRequest with client certificate fails
sorry for posting this question twice but the forum software seems to killed my previos posting… I am using Visual Studio Mac (latest version) to build an iOS app and It needs to fetch data from an IIs...
View ArticleReproduce carousel view behaviour/animation/transition to a horizontal scroll...
Hey developers, I have so far tried to use a carousel view due to its ease of use and of course its performance. But I tried to show the tail of each UI elements (let's say we've a bunch of cards)...
View ArticleCannot access a disposed object.Object name:...
Hi Everyone, I have created a Xamarin.Forms application. In my application when I click on any button my app is crashing with exception Cannot access a disposed object.Object name:...
View ArticleUsing a dictionary with 10,000 values gives an error
Hi, I am building an android app to build a puzzle from some pre-loaded puzzles in a dictionary variable (of int, string). It has over 12,000 puzzles. When the user clicks new game, a random integer is...
View Articlehow can we export to excel of a grid data in xamarin forms
Is this possible in xamarin forms.
View ArticleTableView ImageCell Problem
When I used this code, its running and showing picture in IOS. But İn Android, it is not showing the Picture, Text is appearing, but Picture is not. My Picture is in drawable, and drawable-xxhdpi...
View ArticleObtaining Exception "Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.Platform+DefaultRenderer"'.
Hi , I have facing the below exception issue while using the rotator click one page and move on to next page this crash occur. This happens randomly don't know why it comes "Unhandled Exception:...
View ArticleConfigure the Button's text color (click effect) when a user clicked on it
Hi guys, I am using two buttons into one of my pages' TitleView and I would like to configure their text color when a user is clicking on them. I am talking about the effect proving that the event...
View ArticleAfter VS2017 update, Android Device Manager doesnt work
Working within quite a restrictive company proxy, I updated visual studio 2017. Since that time, when I run Android SDK Manager, it cannot access the Microsoft Repository, though the Google repository...
View ArticleCarouselPage too much work in main thread
Hi, I have create a CarouselPage with a ItemTemplate. The ItemsSource is bind to a ObservableCollection in ViewModel. When I swipe between the pages, in Android I get the message: "The application may...
View ArticleApp not starting on iOS 9.3 simulator
Hi, I am facing an issue with iOS 9.3 simulator and not been able to run even a hello world app on it. When I run from VS Mac, the app installs but failed to launch. It works fine on iOS 10x but not...
View ArticleIssue reported while submitting windows app to windows store
I have developed a Xamarin Forms(.Net standard) UWP app and submitted it to windows store, but the windows store team reject the app because of the following issue. The app doesn’t install on one or...
View ArticleApp does not start - ViewModel problem?
Hey there. I found some example Code for ViewModel which does not work for me. My problem is that when I start the app it is about to launch and then just closes itself. I get no errors from Visual...
View ArticleDraw Shapes in Xamarin.Android
how to draw shapes like diagonal in like this
View ArticleXamarin Forms Httpclient PostAsync returns null
Homepage showing pro``ducts in a list according to the category selected.Initially showing products of first category. API response is null for first category but count is correct,showing only blank...
View ArticleButtons correctly displayed in Release mode but not on real phone
Hello everyone, I'm developping an app for Android and iOS with Xamarin, in this app the users can choose a diameter (called "diametre"), to this diameter is associated one or many screw threads...
View Articleafter update xcode and xamarin ios in mac my app not work on iphone 5c
Launched application 'Unifreight.Mobile' on 'iPhone Logitude ' with pid 233 Loaded assembly:...
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