Missing templates in VS
Hi all, I'm watching a course called "Xamarin Forms: Build Native Cross-platform Apps with C#" on Udemy. I've installed Xamarin in VS but I have only one template when creating a project: Mobile App...
View ArticleTesting a backend API locally for Xamarin Forms using IP address
I have a simple asp.net core api backend project that serves a Todo API and a xamarin forms app that consumes it. When I run the backend API, the project runs on IIS Express on localhost:44374. Now for...
View ArticleUWP- creating NavigationView and Commandbar
It seems like xamarin forms doesnt implement navigationview and commandbar on UWP when we use masterdetailpage and toolbaritems. How can i achieve this? anyone had that implemented with custom renders?
View ArticleAfter updating VS 15.6.7 to VS 15.9.5 Android projects (even the first...
Hello, 4 days ago i updated vs in the hope to solve a google play publishing issue, but even after repeated reinstalls, on 15.6.7 i can build no issues, on 15.9.5 i cannot build even the simpliest of...
View ArticleIs it possible to wait for Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread code to finish
Hello everyone, In my code I have a task called "ShowMessageBoxAsync". I want to use this code to show (and await) the DisplayAlert to the user and return the result. Like this: var messageBoxResult =...
View ArticleHow to modify button colors
Here's one of the button's axml: <Button android:text="1" android:layout_width="0dp" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_weight=".25" android:id="@+id/btn1" /> This button is...
View ArticleXamarinTestCloud: Test Execution is not running correctly-"Signing apk with...
Hello Community, good afternoon ! We are implemeting Mobile Automation Tests, and I'm learning the Xamarin Test Cloud to start this. I have seen a lot of tutorials and videos for learning this...
View ArticleMining http input field value from WebView
Hello! I'm working on an app that pops a Modal that is a ContentPage with a WebView. (i hope i explained it well enough) In this loaded https page, i have various controls. I basically load a page of...
View ArticleLabel's text isn't displayed on big screen resolution UWP Xamarin.Forms
For both platforms iOS and Android label's text is displayed without any problems. When I debug UWP project on my local machine (with Windows 10, and screen resolution 2K) the text is missing. When I...
View ArticleForking Xamarin.Forms - Howto
I found a bug deep in Xamarin.Forms 3.4 and wanted to diagnose it, so I forked the code but couldn't get it to compile etc. The instructions on the Xamarin site for forking and creating a Nuget package...
View Article"Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing" when publishing...
Hello, I'm having this error when trying to publish an iOS application: "Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and...
View ArticleWhy building an application in release mode marks warnings about “not found”...
My app seems to be built fine in Debug mode, yet in Release mode I get 21 warnings about "no debug symbols file was found". As I understood, debug mode uses some files that release mode doesn't need in...
View ArticleCan't get Android emulator to run anymore
I have Visual Studio 2017. I used to be able to run the Android_Accelerated_x86_Oreo (Android 8.1 - API 27) just fine, but for some reason now I'm getting: Emulator Android_Accelerated_x86_Oreo is...
View ArticleCreate a custom animation to fade-out view in forms
Hey, sorry if this was asked before, i couldn't find any threads wich could help me. I want to animate an element like this. It should set the opacity to 0, but not for the whole view. Instead i want...
View ArticleHow can I adjust the height of a label when it wraps?
I tried using the line height property but that doesn't seem to work for this. How can I set the height of the lines after a long label has wrapped. Do we have any control over this spacing?
View ArticleBeginner - Can't get app to deploy to Android emulator on AMD processor
Hi, I have VS 2017 on Windows 10 and I'm trying to just run a newly created Xamarin.Forms app. in the Android emulator. I have an AMD processor. I also have Hyper-V. The emulator seems to load, but the...
View ArticleSystem.Xml.Dll assembly only loading on breakpoint
Hello, I have been migrating all my project from an old version of xamarin with an old version of mono to the latest of both. Amongst all the other issues I have encountered and found a solution, here...
View ArticleITextToSpeech DependencyService Completion
I would like to have the Dependency Service Text to Speech functionality behave in a synchronous manner, i.e. complete speaking before the calling code continues. Currently, it not consistent in...
View ArticleVertical Scroll Inside Editor Box
Hi All, I have one Editor box and i want Vertical scroll inside editor box. Thanks in advance.
View ArticleThe "User7ZipPath" parameter is not supported
I am getting this error a lot more lately.. It's another of those random things that sometimes does or not occur when doing an iOS build......
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