Implications of porting an app from iOS to Android
Hi, I'm currently in the process of converting my app from Titanium to Xamarin. Things are going great! But I'm having one concern though: Xamarin says that you can easily build an app for iOS, Android...
View ArticleAny PCL specialist online and available for a quick chat over Skype?
I have a ver, very, strange issue with PCLs and namespaces. I was hoping for some PCL guru who could give me a hand in a Skype session. The problem is that I cannot use a specific class in an iOS...
View ArticleIs it just me that is chasing my tail with bugs between IOS7 and IOS6
I have spend more than 60% of my time since the release of IOS7 just fixing bugs in MT.D code, I test on one device all works ok, run on another device and it is full of layout issues. I am fed up with...
View ArticleBest approach for conditional loading of views from root controller?
This is my first iOS app. and I'm struggling to find documentation or examples on the best approach for the following scenario : Three controllers - Terms, User, Submit. Submit is the root controller...
View ArticleNative debugging and mono_jit_runtime_invoke
Is there a way to debug native code reasonably? I can start my XamMac app (using a bound native library), load the native library in XCode and attach lldb. It works - breakpoints are hit, I can step...
View ArticleWebView UserAgent switch?
Hi, Can I change the useragent of a webview? I load a website that has both Mobi and normal web pages, but on my tablet app I want the normal web page to load. in webview.settings I see that I can get...
View ArticleART - Ahead of Time compilation for Java
Is it big deal for Xamarin?
View ArticlePortable Library to my Android project: incompatible target framework...
When I try to reference my Portable Library to my Android project i see: incompatible target framework .netportable My iOS project allows me to reference this Portable Library.
View Articletemporary storage of sensitive files
hi guys, what do I have to consider when it comes to storing sensitive files locally. I get those files from my webservice, create the file in the temp folder to display it and when I don't need it...
View Articlehow to get the horizontal slice movement from the user?
I need to do something like theres in most photoviewer of smarthphones... I ll have a list of objects and when the user like try to roll/throw the screen the other would come ( this would be activities...
View ArticleAnyone had problems with sending POST data to a REST web service in IOS7?
Hello, I have tried two different methods to connect to a REST web service using POST requests from IOS 7: Method 1: RestSharp var client = new RestClient (""); var...
View ArticleMKMetersBetweenMapPoints equivalent in Xamarin
What's the equivalent for MKMetersBetweenMapPoints?...
View ArticleResetting fields on a UI
I'm having trouble resetting elements on a screen. I have a screen that extends a DialogViewController. The UI is composed of Elements (DateElement, StringElement, EntryElement, RadioGroup, etc...). I...
View ArticleDevelopment Platforms - Windows Tablets and Laptops
Is it possible, and has anyone ever, used Xamarin to develop an app for a Tablet or Laptop ? We have a contract for a mobile app but it seems the users want MS Surface and Latpops with Win8.
View ArticleAndroid Spinner
Hi all, I am creating application with some kind of drop down menu. I have selected Spinner and it looks really nice. But i am notable to set default value of spinner to "Not Selected". Do you know is...
View ArticleobjectAnimator
how to do the same animation using objectAnimator as <set xmlns:android="" android:interpolator="@android:anim/decelerate_interpolator" > <alpha...
View ArticleNo option "Developer Account" in Preference
Hello,I am using trial version. while i am going to build my application in my iPhone5, i am facing problem. As per Document, there should be an option "Developer account" in Xamarin/System preference...
View ArticleGetting JIT errors with Ad-Hoc build using DownloadFileAsync??
Simulator works fine, Debug builds on device work fine. Ad-Hoc build is throwing an error: System.Net.WebException: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure -->...
View ArticleBreakpoints cause app to crash in new Android version 4.2.2
Hi, I have just updated my HTC One X to: Android version 4.2.2 HTC Sense version 5.0 Software Number HTC SDK API Level 5.41 and everytime my app hits a breakpoint in either Visual Studio...
View ArticleMonogame.framework.dll not loaded in a fresh Monogame Project created...
Hello, I'm new to Xamarin Studio. I have followed the tuto and was able to upload an HelloWorld project on my Android device, great!! In order to test a game port from Windows Phone to Android, I...
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